using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Autodesk.Revit.Attributes;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB;
using Autodesk.Revit.UI;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB.Architecture;
namespace CreateStairs
public class Class1:IExternalCommand
public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc,"new level");
Level blvl = Level.Create(doc, 0);
Level tlvl = Level.Create(doc, 2);
CreateStairs(doc, blvl, tlvl);
return Result.Succeeded;
private ElementId CreateStairs(Document document, Level levelBottom, Level levelTop)
ElementId newStairsId = null;
using (StairsEditScope newStairsScope = new StairsEditScope(document, "New Stairs"))
newStairsId = newStairsScope.Start(levelBottom.Id, levelTop.Id);
using (Transaction stairsTrans = new Transaction(document, "Add Runs and Landings to Stairs"))
// Create a sketched run for the stairs
IList<Curve> bdryCurves = new List<Curve>();
IList<Curve> riserCurves = new List<Curve>();
IList<Curve> pathCurves = new List<Curve>();
XYZ pnt1 = new XYZ(0, 0, 0);
XYZ pnt2 = new XYZ(15, 0, 0);
XYZ pnt3 = new XYZ(0, 10, 0);
XYZ pnt4 = new XYZ(15, 10, 0);
// boundaries
bdryCurves.Add(Line.CreateBound(pnt1, pnt2));
bdryCurves.Add(Line.CreateBound(pnt3, pnt4));
// riser curves
const int riserNum = 20;
for (int ii = 0; ii <= riserNum; ii++)
XYZ end0 = (pnt1 + pnt2) * ii / (double)riserNum;
XYZ end1 = (pnt3 + pnt4) * ii / (double)riserNum;
XYZ end2 = new XYZ(end1.X, 10, 0);
riserCurves.Add(Line.CreateBound(end0, end2));
//stairs path curves
XYZ pathEnd0 = (pnt1 + pnt3) / 2.0;
XYZ pathEnd1 = (pnt2 + pnt4) / 2.0;
pathCurves.Add(Line.CreateBound(pathEnd0, pathEnd1));
StairsRun newRun1 = StairsRun.CreateSketchedRun(document, newStairsId, levelBottom.Elevation, bdryCurves, riserCurves, pathCurves);
// Add a straight run
Line locationLine = Line.CreateBound(new XYZ(20, -5, newRun1.TopElevation), new XYZ(35, -5, newRun1.TopElevation));
StairsRun newRun2 = StairsRun.CreateStraightRun(document, newStairsId, locationLine, StairsRunJustification.Center);
newRun2.ActualRunWidth = 10;
// Add a landing between the runs
CurveLoop landingLoop = new CurveLoop();
XYZ p1 = new XYZ(15, 10, 0);
XYZ p2 = new XYZ(20, 10, 0);
XYZ p3 = new XYZ(20, -10, 0);
XYZ p4 = new XYZ(15, -10, 0);
Line curve_1 = Line.CreateBound(p1, p2);
Line curve_2 = Line.CreateBound(p2, p3);
Line curve_3 = Line.CreateBound(p3, p4);
Line curve_4 = Line.CreateBound(p4, p1);
StairsLanding newLanding = StairsLanding.CreateSketchedLanding(document, newStairsId, landingLoop, newRun1.TopElevation);
// A failure preprocessor is to handle possible failures during the edit mode commitment process.
newStairsScope.Commit(new FailuresPreprocessor());//new StairsFailurePreprocessor());
return newStairsId;
public class FailuresPreprocessor : IFailuresPreprocessor
public FailureProcessingResult PreprocessFailures(FailuresAccessor failuresAccessor)
IList<FailureMessageAccessor> listFma = failuresAccessor.GetFailureMessages();
if (listFma.Count == 0)
return FailureProcessingResult.Continue;
foreach (FailureMessageAccessor fma in listFma)
if (fma.GetSeverity() == FailureSeverity.Error)
if (fma.HasResolutions())
if (fma.GetSeverity() == FailureSeverity.Warning)
return FailureProcessingResult.ProceedWithCommit;