2.5.3 作为BIM环境
2.6 BIM平台
2.5.2 As a BIM Environment
At the beginning of the BIM age, it was thought that a single application could serve the needs at all three levels: as a tool, as a platform, and as an environ- ment. That idealism has slowly waned, as the scale of a BIM project and the systems to support it have become understood. An important capability needed to globally support advanced BIM projects is to support work in a multiplat- form and multipresentation environment. A BIM environment needs the ability to generate and store object instances for different tools and platforms and to manage that data effectively, including change management at the object level. This issue is addressed more centrally in Chapter 3, Section 3.5. This can be handled by a change flag or a timestamp that gets updated whenever an object is modified. The goal is to exchange and manage objects and sets of objects rather than files.
Below we offer an overview of the current capabilities of the major building model generation platforms. Some reviewed support only architectural design functions, others only various types of fabrication-level building systems, and others both. Each assessment is for the version of the software system noted; later versions may have better or worse capabilities. We review them according to the criteria developed above.
BIM platforms may be used in perse ways in building construction: by the architect for design modeling and drawing production, by an engineer for structural or energy data management, by a contractor for developing a construction coordination model, for fabrication detailing or for facility management, for example; they include varying types of tool functionality. Some are marketed to multiple types of user. The different marketing strategies lead to packages with different collections of functionality. In this review, we do not address these different uses but consider the major BIM platforms generically, from the perspective of its primary product, with references to other products running on the same platform. Their uses and limitations will be considered more explicitly in the chapters associated with the different types of BIM users. We consider each platform from the three levels outlined in Section 2.3: as a tool, as a platform, and as an environment.
As is broadly understood, the acquisition of a software package is very dif- ferent from most other purchases we make. Whereas the purchase of a car is based on a very specific product and set of features, a software package involves both its current capabilities and the development path of enhancements that are released regularly, at least annually. A purchaser is buying into both the current product and its future evolutions, as projected by the company. One is also purchasing a support system that at least one person in a firm will be dealing with. The support system is an augmentation of the user-provided documentation and online support built into the BIM tool. Apart from the vendor’s support network, a software system owner is also part of a broader user community. Most provide blog communication for peer-to-peer help and open portals for the exchange of object families. These may be free or available at a small cost. These also should be considered in the acquisition of a BIM platform.
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