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发布于:2024-10-25 12:00:04




由Aedas打造的Parqal综合体位于菲律宾首都马尼拉,是当地Aseana City的旗舰项目,更是马尼拉首个采用自然通风的综合体项目。

Parqal is a mixed-use development located in Manila, Philippines, and will be Aseana City’s flagship project in the district and the first naturally-ventilated development of its kind in Manila.


▲ 独特的建筑轮廓
Unique building silhouette

Parqal位于Aseana City开发区的中心地带,周边土地用途多元。地块紧邻城市主次干道,有着良好的交通条件,其中马卡帕加尔大道穿过项目所在的两个主要街区,提供了极大的便利性和可见度。此外,地块与当地交通线路紧密连接,未来还将开通Aseana - Redemptorist轻轨站(1 号线南延线的一部分)。

Situated in the heart of the Aseana City development, Parqal is surrounded by perse land use. The site provides excellent accessibility through primary and secondary roads, with Macapagal Boulevard passing through the 2 main blocks of the development for greater convenience and visibility. The site is also well-connected by local transport and the future LRT Aseana - Redemptorist Station as part of the Line 1 Southern Extension.


▲ 场地平面图
Site plan


▲ 鸟瞰图
The bird view


▲ 马尼拉独一无二的购物体验
A Unique Retail Experience in Manila


The masterplan for Parqal provides quality public spaces integrated with Retail and F&B, creating vital and attractive gathering areas for the city. The five-hectare walkable development is designed to offer an array of leisure activities and office spaces, highlighting lifestyle and retail shops offering amenities from dining, fashion, and wellness to DIY options across the 650 m retail strip.


▲ Parqal的公共空间
Public Spaces in Parqal


▲ Parqal空中人行通廊
Elevated Walkways at Parqal


团队提出了开放空间和花园式设计两大理念,旨在通过露天剧场、庭院和绿色通廊等空间,将各功能业态彼此连接。复合的开放空间将为消费者提供丰富的休闲、餐饮、商业零售和创意工坊体验,而现代化的独特景观设计也将营造出更加宜人的整体空间氛围。空中人行通廊为较高楼层的企业创造出更具协作性和连接性的空间。中央长廊贯穿整个项目的中心地带,与两侧的店铺一同营造出长达650米的商业街。四个主要广场大小各异,有着不同的城市功能,设计精心布局,使广场之间步行距离不超过 5 分钟,以更短的步行路程鼓励市民进行空间探索。

The extended length of the plot posed a challenge to the place-making strategy for the Plazas, Retail Zones, and F&B Zones to maintain and enhance connectivity with its surrounding urban fabric.
Open Space and Parkland design is a defining concept for Parqal to unify and connect the development, including functions like an Amphitheatre, Courtyard, and Greenway. The integrated open space will provide a range of leisure, dining, retail, and creative working experiences for visitors with a contemporary and distinctive landscape design which enhances the overall place-making approach of the development. Elevated walkways create a more collaborative and connective space for businesses that occupy the higher floors. The central promenade that runs through the heart of the development is flanked by shops making up the 650 m retail street. Four main plazas of varying civic uses and sizes are placed within 5-minute walks from one another to shorten the walks and encourage exploration of the space.


▲ 地块信息并创建城市广场
Urban Context of Parqal and creating Urban Plazas


To enhance the connectivity of the development, buildings are pided into smaller blocks akin to village clusters, creating more streets and increasing porosity in and out of Parqal. The central park also forms the main pedestrian crossing when intersected by traffic roads. Integrating Parqal into the surrounding environment, elevated walkways branch out from the heart of the park to create direct connections to neighbouring developments. Double frontage is also created by setting back buildings, creating plazas of a more intimate scale across the length of the site.


▲ 加强连通性创造更多公共空间
Enhancing connectivity and creating more civic spaces


Standalone flagship stores are also strategically placed along major road intersections to attract and invite passers-by to the development. The development is finished with a canopy that hovers over the length of Parqal to protect visitors from the sun and rain.


▲ 旗舰店及Parqal天幕
Flagship stores and Parqal Canopy

团队选取菲律宾传统建筑类型石屋(Bahay na Bato)为设计概念,将西班牙乡土风情与中国传统风格完美结合,以现代建筑语言重新演绎。设计采用了独特的坡屋顶形式,并通过体量内凹巧妙地创造出聚集空间,立面以不同材质形成视觉分层,强化建筑体量轮廓。


The project’s architectural expression was developed based on a modernised approach to the concept of ‘Bahay na Bato’ - a Philippine traditional architectural typology, developed in a perfect symbiosis of Spanish Vernacular and Traditional Chinese styles. Buildings feature a pitched roof, subtle excavations to create gathering spaces, and a layered façade that uses different materials – to provide buildings with a strong volumetric profile.
Applying these principles to Parqal, the façade of the buildings feature ‘excavated’ segments of the buildings finished with full-height glazing, allowing for visual permeability and natural light to fill the interior spaces. The excavations also carve out important civic spaces in the form of plazas, arcades, and terraces. The roofs are also angled in varying degrees to mimic the pitched roofs of Bahay na Bato.


▲ 建筑立面概念草图
Concept sketches of the building façade


The façade of the buildings features 3 main finishes in the form of Corrugated Aluminium Cladding, Fibre Cement Board Cladding, and Timber Cladding. The finishes are used in alternating sections on the façade to break visual uniformity.


▲ 不同建筑立面饰面
Varying building façade finishes of Parqal


▲ 立面饰面丰富变化
Varying building façade finishes of Parqal


▲ 视觉上打破了呆板的单调统一
Breaking visual uniformity

一个“悬浮的天幕”将整个项目笼罩其中,这是Aseana City总体步行规划中的重要轴线。轻盈的天幕有机地上下起伏,为购物空间遮雨的同时,又能实现自然通风。设计采用ETFE材质,让阳光和紫外线倾泻而下,为购物空间中大面积的绿化植被营造出良好的生长环境,同时它极具柔韧性,可以良好承载包括马尼拉在内地震高发地区的强大张力。

The entire length of the development is enveloped by a "floating canopy" that serves as the flagship spine of Aseana City's sidewalk masterplan. The lightweight canopy takes an undulating and organic form that protects the retail environment from the rain while also allowing for natural ventilation. The use of ETFE, which is permeable to sunlight and UV rays, creates the opportunity to have extensive green areas with trees of substantial size. The flexibility of the ETFE foil also makes it able to withstand high tension in regions like Manila with high seismic activity.


▲ 天幕概念草图
Canopy concept sketches


▲ 天幕鸟瞰效果图
Canopy rendering


▲ 天幕落成效果
Canopy final design


The building massing clusters allow for natural cross-ventilation through open canopies and laneways between buildings while the landscaped areas provide a passive cooling system and sun shading. A rainwater harvesting system is introduced which can potentially recirculate rainwater for landscape irrigation, water features, and toilet flushing. The façade design incorporates a mix of solid elements and monolithic & tempered glass to allow for natural light while regulating internal temperatures to promote energy efficiency.


▲ 可持续性概念草图
Sustainability concept sketch

Parqal以极具创造力的建筑轮廓,树立了现代建筑的标杆。它从菲律宾传统建筑中汲取灵感,并采用当地材料,创造出兼具功能性与可持续性的吸睛环境。它将成为Aseana City总体规划中的地标性建筑,并在未来数年内成为城市重要的枢纽空间。

Parqal is an impressive showcase of modern architecture that draws inspiration from traditional Filipino architecture and utilises locally sourced materials, creating a visually stunning environment that is functional and sustainable. The development will be an icon in the Aseana City masterplan and an important civic hub for years to come.


▲ 独特的枢纽空间
The important civic hub


业主:D.M. Wenceslao and Associates股份有限公司

Location: Parañaque City, Manila, Philippines
Client: D.M. Wenceslao and Associates Inc
Design Architect: Aedas
GFA: 80,00 0sq m
Completion Year: 2023




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