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BIM建筑|奇普菲尔德The Ned多哈酒店,由内政部大楼改造而来

发布于:2024-11-11 12:00:05



建筑实景  摄影:Simon Menges

设计单位  David Chipperfield Architects

项目地点  卡塔尔多哈

建成时间  2022年

建筑面积  40,000平方米


The Ned多哈酒店建筑的前身是卡塔尔前内政部大楼,将这座多哈最古老的建筑之一改造成精品酒店,表达了对其历史和建筑重要性的认可。作为见证了这一地区城市发展历程的少有案例之一,这座建筑的适应性再利用体现了“减少建设对环境的影响”的承诺,也丰富了地区文化特征,为波斯湾地区的建筑更新做出了重要贡献。

The transformation of the former Ministry of Interior building into a boutique hotel recognizes the historical and architectural significance of one of Doha’s oldest buildings. The adaptive reuse of this rare example of early city development in the region demonstrates a commitment to reducing the impact of construction and enriches the regional cultural identity, making an important contribution to architectural regeneration in the Gulf area.


改造前的内政部大楼  ©Courtesy of Qatar Museums Authority

改造后建筑外观  摄影:Simon Menges

原有建筑由黎巴嫩建筑师William Sednaoui设计于20世纪70年代,坐落于多哈著名的海滨区Corniche(意为“滨海大道”),毗邻卡塔尔埃米尔的办公场所埃米尔迪万(Amiri Diwan)和多哈大清真寺,是该城闻名遐迩的历史地标。这座政府大楼的立面富有韵律感,轮廓也如雕塑般优美,因此被认为是中东地区粗野主义风格建筑的经典案例。

Sitting squarely on the renowned Corniche waterfront and in close proximity to the Amiri Diwan as well as the Grand Mosque, the listed building - designed in the 1970s by Lebanese architect William Sednaoui – is a celebrated historical landmark of Doha. With its finely rhythmic façade and sculptural silhouette, the state building is considered an elegant demonstration of Brutalism in the Middle East.


建筑外观及环境  摄影:Simon Menges


The existing architecture was refurbished, adapted for use as a luxury hotel, and extended by an additional top floor.


设计示意图  ©David Chipperfield Architects

裙楼空间  摄影:Simon Menges


A 260m long plinth forms its new podium, creating a green oasis with lush vegetation, art installations, and basins. Flanking the water, pavilions house a range of service and event facilities. They are roofed by a continuous brise soleil canopy of slender concrete ribs, offering shaded, private outdoor spaces.


裙楼空间  摄影:Simon Menges

水池及两侧凉亭  摄影:Simon Menges


Together with the atrium, the now-covered inner courtyard forms the heart of the complex. A bar on the gallery of the first floor provides views down into the wide range of restaurant facilities on the ground floor.


酒店的90间客房及套房分布在建筑的上三层,由Soho House Design设计,以20世纪70年代的风格审美为灵感。

The ninety hotel rooms and suites are spread over three upper levels and are designed by Soho House Design, inspired by the glamour of the 1970s.


建筑实景  摄影:Simon Menges
酒店内部  摄影:Simon Menges
客房  摄影:Simon Menges


The new rooftop houses a spa and wellness area, a fitness room, and a club lounge, offering views over the Persian Sea and the skyline of Doha.


屋顶层  摄影:Simon Menges


The newly created podium enhances the horizontal aesthetics of the building, while the roof slats cite the linear structures of the existing pilaster strips. Their distinctive play of shadows shapes the entire design of the hotel right into the interior which was reinterpreted by a number of precise interventions.


屋顶层光影  摄影:Simon Menges


Carefully integrated additions to the existing building are characterized by high-quality materials: white Calacatta and green Tinos marble as well as travertine reminiscent of the existing façade.

屋顶层  摄影:Simon Menges


设计图纸 ▽


总平面图  ©David Chipperfield Architects
平面图  ©David Chipperfield Architects
平面图  ©David Chipperfield Architects
平面图  ©David Chipperfield Architects
立面图  ©David Chipperfield Architects
剖面图  ©David Chipperfield Architects



Competition: 2016– 2017

Project start: 2020

Completion: 2022

Opening: 2023

Gross floor area: 40,000m²

Client: Oryx Corniche Developments

User: Soho House

Architect: David Chipperfield Architects Berlin

Partners: David Chipperfield, Martin Reichert, Alexander Schwarz (Design lead)

Project architect: Ronan Burke (Competition), Urs Vogt (Project)

Project team:

Beate Dauth, Ulrike Eberhardt, Filippo de Francesco, Dirk Gschwind, Paul Hillerkus, Kristin Karig, Anke Lawrence, Levan Kiknavelidze, Hubert Pawela, Juliane Schwarz, Luigi Serra, Nils Stelter, David Wegner

Competition team:

David Chipperfield Architects Berlin: Isabel Albano-Müller, Konrad Basan, Andrew Davis, Dirk Gschwind, Adam Jones, Dalia Liksaite, Maysha Mussonghora, Christof Piaskowski, Ken Polster, Rosa Piepoli, Thorsten Rothmann, Simon Wiesmaier, Ute Zscharnt

David Chipperfield Architects Milan: Cristiano Billia, Federica Corrà, Carlo Federico Cattò

Project controlling, Quantity surveyor: Turner & Townsend

Multidisciplinary planning: Dar Al-Handasah/ Beirut, Libanon

General contractor: UrbaCon Trading & Contracting/Doha, Qatar

Interior: Soho House Design, London, UK & Highness HEC/Qatar

Landscape architect: Driscoll Design International

Lighting consultant: Umaya Lighting Design/Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Photography: Simon Menges






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