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BIM建筑|吃山02救赎青年旅店 / 未见筑设计事务所

发布于:2025-01-14 14:57:18


青旅公区  ©宛芹
女生四人间  ©宛芹

设计单位  未见筑设计事务所

项目地点  重庆渝中

建成时间  2024年

建筑面积  1700平方米


Walking into Yummyhill Hostel feels like returning to your younger self from over a decade ago — the designer who had little money in their pocket but always stayed on the move.
Being young means having an insatiable curiosity and energy to explore the colorful diversity of the world, no matter the circumstances.



01 项目背景

01 Project Background


Yummyhill Hostel 02: Redemption is the second branch of the Yummyhill Hostel Cultural Youth Hostel. It is located on the 3rd floor of Zhonghua Plaza in Lianglukou, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, an old part of the city. With a subway station, the Crown Grand Escalator, a food market, and numerous restaurants nearby, it’s a lively area full of local charm.


区位分析图  ©未见筑
菜园坝立交  ©吃山

The host, Lao Bai, calls himself the FLOYD of Yummyhill Hostel. Lao Bai dislikes soulless tourist attractions, loves art and travel, and advocates for environmental protection and equality. As a principled and honest millennial, Lao Bai led Hostel 01 through the challenges . With the dawn of 2023, Hostel 02 embarks on a new journey under the theme of "redemption."


插画  ©Meei


02 设计理念

02 Design Concept



"Eat well, sleep well—this is redemption."



In life, we all go through challenging periods and need to reignite our passion for living afterward. Youth hostels serve as temporary havens for young travelers, offering a place to rest, heal, and recharge. At Yummyhill Hostel, visitors can heal their bodies through sleep, express their emotions through music, capture moments through illustration, make friends through conversations, and celebrate life with food. These experiences replenish curiosity and energy for their onward journey.


设计草图  ©未见筑
青旅藏宝图  ©未见筑


Here is a spiritual garden within the city, rooted in its culture and values. Unlike the city's chaos and complexity, this place is quiet and simple, emphasizing the basics of "eating well and sleeping well." It fosters friendships among strangers, instills eco-friendly and equitable ideals, and encourages young people to focus on self-improvement and positivity.


黑板墙  ©未见筑
轴测图  ©未见筑


03 空间模式

03 Space Mode


"Cats and people, people and people, people and themselves."


Human connections are the heart and soul of a youth hostel. The space is designed to balance comfortable distances between strangers with areas conducive to solitude and lively interactions.


花园阳台  ©宛芹
冥想室小猫  ©宛芹

The hostel is divided into two main areas: public spaces and private accommodations, addressing the core needs of interaction and rest in a youth hostel.


Instead of defining spaces with walls, the design of Yummyhill Hostel 02 creates zones through spatial forms, materials, and lighting. This approach produces rich layers and enhanced experiences.


功能分区图  ©未见筑
平面黑白图  ©未见筑
青旅公区  ©宛芹


The residential area is efficiently connected by a single loop-shaped corridor, designed to meet operational requirements for room types, bed capacity, fire evacuation, and other technical specifications.


动线图  ©未见筑
走廊  ©吃山


04 场所营造

04 Place Making



The hostel integrates a wide range of communal spaces, including a central kitchen, commercial kitchen, shared dining area, late-night canteen, triangular game tables, an independent game room, laundry room, male and female drying zones, study areas, a makeup room, luggage room, and more. These features bring not only practical functionality but also spiritual richness and emotional value to this economic yet abundant youth hostel.



In China, travelers often choose hostels with the intention of socializing. To cater to this, the space layout is designed to foster interactions, with public areas incorporating elements that naturally encourage gatherings.


公区功能轴测图  ©未见筑

/ 玄关大堂

/ Entrance Lobby



Visitors enter the lobby after navigating a dark alley in the suspended space of an old building and taking an elevator to the third floor. The bright lobby, illuminated by a massive circular light source, contrasts sharply with the external environment, symbolizing the warmth and comfort of arriving after a journey. A triangular geometric reception counter mirrors the circular light above, embodying the concept of welcoming guests from all directions with a motif resembling "teeth." The laundry room, located to the right, infuses a sense of life into the lobby.


希望之光与吃山的牙——契合品牌主题,救赎与厨房  ©宛芹
“弗洛伊德之窗”——主理人想为年轻人带来更多当代艺术思想的美好愿望  ©未见筑
大堂洗衣房——充满生活气息  ©宛芹
自助行李间——服务安全与便利  ©宛芹

/ 中央厨房

/ Central Kitchen


The central kitchen, the heart of Yummyhill Hostel, adopts an open bar counter design, inviting travelers to witness the creation of food. Behind the counter, chefs showcase their culinary skills; in front, guests gather and converse. The space merges the enjoyment of gastronomy with a unique ambiance, enabling strangers to connect through shared culinary experiences.



Wooden elements blend seamlessly with stainless steel countertops, achieving a balance of comfort and modernity. The open bar, accommodating 18 diners, not only offers a close view of the chefs' craft but also creates an excellent socializing platform.


中央厨房草图  ©未见筑

中央厨房  ©宛芹
青旅菜品  ©吃山

/ 拼餐区

/ Shared Dining Area


Another cozy dining space is the shared dining area, offering stunning views of the Yangtze River. Enclosed by fireplaces and bookshelves, it features public refrigerators, self-service beer vending machines, and suspended televisions for enjoying meals and games with newfound friends.



Whether it’s the long, open-format central kitchen or the communal dining area with large tables, the design aims to break away from the traditional one-person-per-table dining mode. Instead, it encourages travelers to share meals at large tables with strangers. This design seamlessly integrates social interaction into daily meals, turning each meal into an opportunity to foster understanding and exchange.


拼餐区——属于美食与社交的场所  ©宛芹

/ 休闲娱乐区

/ Recreational Area


The triangular game table, located in the center of the Yummyhill Hostel lobby, can accommodate up to 12 people simultaneously. It is equipped with sockets for various devices, providing continuous energy for computers and smartphones. One side of the wooden wall features four corkboards filled with stories written by travelers from different places about themselves and Yummyhill Hostel. On the other side, a self-service beverage bar caters to evening leisure needs.


多功能三角游戏桌  ©吃山
自助酒水吧台  ©宛芹


At the end facing the Yangtze River, a semi-open balcony creates an intimate outdoor space for this independent hostel. Plants and beanbag chairs are placed freely, fostering a laid-back atmosphere. In this quiet and open space, guests can find a serene corner to let their thoughts wander and enjoy a moment of relaxation and daydreaming. Here, everyone can discover their personal comfort zone for true mental relaxation.



In the middle section of the balcony is a soundproof independent game room, allowing guests to play and laugh freely without worrying about disturbing others.


花园阳台  ©宛芹
独立游戏屋  ©吃山

/ 冥想室

/ Meditation Room


A black cone-shaped block is suspended in the center of the lounge area, symbolizing the "Tower of Redemption." Its tip points downward, encouraging a self-reliant approach rather than seeking blessings from above. Reflecting the philosophy that good food and restful sleep bring redemption, this private space allows travelers to introspect and observe the world through a cross-shaped opening.


“救赎之塔”冥想室  ©宛芹
冥想室内  ©吃山

/ 自习区

/ Study Area


At Yummyhill Hostel, you can look outward to connect with others or turn inward to communicate with yourself. The study area, designed with wooden partitions, provides each individual with a relatively private space.


安静独处的学习空间  ©吃山

/ 专属化妆间

/ Exclusive Makeup Room



Breaking traditional notions of public restroom design, an independent makeup room has been created for female travelers. It includes complimentary hairdryers to meet daily grooming needs and thoughtfully provides cotton swabs and makeup pads. This space not only addresses the daily needs of women but also affirms their equal rights with respect and attention.


化妆间  ©吃山

/ 各种房间——不同的居住空间与细节

/ Various Rooms — Diverse Accommodation and Details



In room design, the focus is not solely on maximizing space utilization but on prioritizing guest comfort. Various room types are carefully planned to accommodate different travelers' needs and preferences, ensuring spaciousness and ease.


非公区功能轴测图  ©未见筑


Beyond physical migration, travel is also about mental relaxation and exploration. Thus, the room layouts and decorations aim to create a space that is both private and open, allowing each guest to find their haven for rest and discovery.


各种房间  ©宛芹、吃山

独立床位房  ©宛芹

05 细部设计

05 Detail Design



Every detail in the hostel is designed to enhance the guest experience. Examples include a pillow exchange area to suit different sleeping preferences, stair-like steps leading to upper bunks in four-person rooms, individual ventilation outlets for independent beds, hallway shoe cabinets with seating, storage compartments with charging ports, gender-separated drying areas, and works by contemporary artists.



Though seemingly minor, these details collectively create a warm, comfortable, and enjoyable lodging environment that guests would describe in one word:"thoughtful."

细部设计  ©未见筑


设计图纸 ▽


平面图  ©未见筑
轴测图  ©未见筑
中央厨房立面  ©未见筑
冥想室剖面  ©未见筑






















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