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BIM建筑|景德镇“烟筒插建院” / 刘克成设计工作室+众建筑

发布于:2024-09-25 16:00:06


烟筒咖啡厅入口  ©朱雨蒙
院落内部  ©朱雨蒙

设计单位  刘克成设计工作室+众建筑

项目地点  江西景德镇

建成时间  2022年

建筑面积  1340平方米




The regeneration of an old porcelain factory property in the heart of Jingdezhen’s Imperial Kiln Historic District is guided by “Plugin Architecture & Unit” approach to historic preservation and urban regeneration. This method involves placing architectural insertions within and adjacent to existing buildings to revitalize the site while incorporating and respecting its historical elements. Jingdezhen, known as China’s “Porcelain Capital,” has a history of over 1,000 years in ancient porcelain production.






The site is located in the center of the Imperial Kiln historical area, adjacent to Chimney Square. To the west, is the Imperial Kiln Museum and the Imperial Porcelain Factory archeological site; to the north, is the Xu Family Kiln, which is the oldest, most complete, and largest wood-fired kiln site preserved in Jingdezhen.


场地周边关系  ©众建筑
杨华弄现状  图源网络(左);©众建筑(右)





The focal point of the design is a modern architectural landmark that integrates seamlessly into the center of the historic surroundings—a three-story glass building topped by a double-pitched roof. Housing exhibition spaces and a café, the building serves as a vital anchor in the main public square, harmonizing contemporary design with a deep respect for historical continuity. The transparency of the glass enclosure introduces a sense of openness, contrasting with the solid, traditional buildings nearby. The roof, covered in traditional clay tiles, appears to float above the transparent enclosure, creating a welcoming spatial extension of the public square.


插建/件式更新系统分析  ©众建筑
烟筒咖啡厅远景  ©众建筑
烟筒咖啡厅东北角  ©朱雨蒙


From a distance, the roof emerges from a sea of surrounding clay-tiled rooftops, engaging in a visual dialogue with Jingdezhen’s traditional architecture. At the level of the public square, the brick paving of the courtyard extends seamlessly from the exterior through the building’s interior, enhancing the connection between indoor and outdoor spaces and bridging old and new. The brick paving transforms into an articulated landscape of steps that double as public seating, gracefully accommodating the elevation change between the public square and the courtyard.


烟筒咖啡厅场地剖面关系分析  ©众建筑
烟筒咖啡厅入口及平台  ©朱雨蒙
烟筒咖啡厅二层空间  ©朱雨蒙
餐厅回廊及咖啡厅  ©众建筑
烟筒咖啡厅地下一层空间  ©众建筑


Below, and on the opposite side of the square, barrel-vaulted brick rooms form the façade at the building's base, grounding it firmly in the historical context. On the third floor, a balcony extends towards a large pre-existing chimney, completing the unified composition and reinforcing the building's connection to (a historical remnant of the facility’s past) its historical surroundings. This design thoughtfully merges old and new, creating a landmark that honors its setting while introducing a distinctly modern presence.


烟筒咖啡厅及餐厅入口  ©朱雨蒙
院落入口  ©朱雨蒙
餐厅转角建筑  ©众建筑
餐厅楼梯及夹层  ©众建筑
艺术家工作室室内  ©众建筑


Surrounding the glass building on three sides are a new restaurant and old porcelain workshops that have been revitalized through the Plugin Architecture approach. The original wood and brick structures remain intact, with new architectural insertions upgrading the old buildings to meet contemporary needs. Inside, these modules provide insulated and conditioned sleeping quarters, office spaces, and meeting rooms. Kitchen and bathroom modules add new functionality. Stairs and walkways are inserted both inside and outside to connect spaces and maximize their use. The new Plugin components are designed as modern insertions, visually distinct from their historic surroundings yet functionally integrated.


改造前后院落肌理及开放性空间对比  ©众建筑


To extend public access into the courtyard spaces of the porcelain workshops, one building was rotated to merge the two original courtyards into a single unified space. This reconfiguration allows access from the public square and the glass building to flow through the interior of the courtyard, connecting the entire complex into a cohesive whole.


烟筒咖啡厅北立面  ©众建筑
烟筒咖啡厅入口及平台  ©朱雨蒙
餐厅夹层及回廊  ©众建筑
烟筒咖啡厅侧厅外立面  ©朱雨蒙


The original structure types of buildings in the courtyard are quite diverse, including traditional timber-framed workshop and residential buildings, brick masonry structures, and concrete structures with timber elements. The renovation only demolished a small number of later-construction buildings, and built new buildings on the foundations of some demolished buildings. The reorganized courtyard layout continues the texture relationship of the original courtyard, retains the rich diversity of the original buildings, and increases the openness of the courtyard.



The three new business functions of cafe, restaurant and ceramic artist studio are divided into different areas and mixed with each other. This layout is conducive to building a new type of public community.


建筑现状结构类型及新业态分析  ©众建筑





“Plugin Architecture & Unit”renovation not only continues the spatial relationship of the original courtyard by filling in the gaps, but also retains the characteristics of the original traditional buildings to the greatest extent, so that the new and old buildings complement each other.


  • 烟筒咖啡厅


The cafe is a three-story building with a large brick base, a large double-sloped roof, and a full-height brick wall and orange structure in between.


烟筒咖啡厅空间构成分析  ©众建筑
烟筒咖啡厅入口  ©朱雨蒙
烟筒咖啡厅入口及吧台  ©朱雨蒙


The first floor cafe is the main entrance space, with a circular bar counter, three sides of transparent glass curtain walls, with excellent sightlines, and one side of a brick wall with multiple display windows. There is an outdoor spiral staircase on the north side leading to the second floor.


烟筒咖啡厅一层吧台区  ©朱雨蒙


On the north side of the thick brick wall is a straight staircase connecting the upper and lower floors, with the steps cantilevered directly from the thick wall. The brick wall and the glass curtain wall enclose a triangular side hall with three floors, which is used to arrange temporary exhibitions.


烟筒咖啡厅侧厅楼梯  ©众建筑


The second floor is a hand-brewed coffee area and a glass private room with a triangular skylight. A long bar is set at the empty boundary facing the west, overlooking the inner courtyard and the continuous sloping roofs in the distance.


烟筒咖啡厅二层空间  ©朱雨蒙


There are three arched spaces on the underground floor, which are private rooms of different sizes that can accommodate different activity needs.


烟筒咖啡厅地下一层包间  ©众建筑


The diagonal double-slope roof of the cafe is about 15x12 meters square, with a maximum overhang of more than 9 meters, which only rests on the top of three steel columns. The roof structure is similar to an umbrella structure, with ring trusses arranged around the steel columns, and cantilever trusses around the ring trusses. The roof trusses are connected by intersecting welding of circular tubes and are supported on the top of steel columns with ball joints.


屋面结构挠度图(恒+活) ©刘粟
屋面钢结构应力比云图  ©刘粟


The large roof covers both indoor and outdoor public spaces, and the large cantilever strengthens the visual sense of floating.


  • 餐厅


The three original buildings in the restaurant courtyard have their own characteristics. Next to the square is a wooden building with a hip roof, on the north side is a two-story double-slope brick-concrete building, and at the corner is a square double-slope wooden building. The design connects the three original buildings by "inserting" a U-shaped corridor, and inserts a blue-green entrance and staircase system inside the original building to lead people into the main dining space on the first floor. A new blue-green door and window system is inserted into the corner building to enhance the connection between indoor and outdoor.


餐厅插建/件系统分析  ©众建筑
餐厅回廊  ©众建筑
餐厅夹层及回廊  ©众建筑
餐厅入口楼梯  ©众建筑


The newly added blue-green staircase and mezzanine system are completely separated from the original wooden structure. They have their own structural system and are visually quite different from the original wooden structure, highlighting the design strategy of reversible transformation.


餐厅入口楼梯  ©众建筑
餐厅楼梯及夹层  ©众建筑
  • 陶瓷艺术家工作坊


The west side of the courtyard is a group of ceramic artist studios, which were renovated using the prefabricated "plugin house" system. The original wooden frame was completely retained, and the work + bathroom module and kitchen module were arranged between wooden structures on first floor, and the bedroom module was arranged between the mezzanine wooden structures. A wooden platform was set above the work module as a tea room space.


艺术家工作室插件系统分析  ©众建筑
艺术家工作室插件系统单元分析  ©众建筑


The prefabricated modules have clear climate boundaries, good thermal insulation and airtightness, and an independent air-conditioning system, which can provide a more comfortable indoor environment in Jingdezhen's extremely cold winters and extremely hot summers.


艺术家工作室室内  ©众建筑





The renovation of the Yanghua Lane courtyard in the Imperial Kiln Factory continues the original spatial texture and retains the original traditional architecture. Through the“Plugin Architecture & Unit” method, the closed courtyard space is reconstructed and activated to match the new functional formats and new usage methods. It is a method of connecting history and the future, and a sustainable historical block renewal method.



设计图纸 ▽


院落总平面图  ©众建筑
院落地下一层平面图  ©众建筑
院落一层平面图  ©众建筑
院落二层平面图  ©众建筑

院落剖面图  ©众建筑
烟筒咖啡厅立面图  ©众建筑



[1] “插件家”发展自众建筑的“内盒院”。预制的“插件板”系统具有很好的防水性能,可用在室外;建造无需其他结构,板材自身即为结构。插件预制模块板集结构、防潮、保温、设备、室内外饰面于一体,整体厚度只有50毫米。板材之间用锁钩连接,几个非专业人员用简单的工具即可在一天内完成搭建。









设计主持(众建筑):何哲,沈海恩(James Shen),臧峰















