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发布于:2024-09-30 12:00:07



Garden Nomad, 从一亩园到Pudong Villa第1张图片

Sous le ciel noir nous voyons clair
La lampe est pleine de nos yeux
Nous habitons notre vallée
Nos murs nos fleurs notre soleil
Nos couleurs et notre lumière
La capitale du soleil
Est à l’image de nous-même
Et dans l’asile de nos murs
Notre porte est celle des hommes

Paul Eluard

创作一座园林是一种生成(devenir),生成一个配置(agencement)与外部世界相连。根据法国哲学家德勒兹(Gilles Deleuze)的理论,生成—园林是一处根茎(rhizome),它对传统古典园林进行了解域(déterritorialiser)后的再结域(reterritorialiser),园林被解域,与现代住宅系统相遇再重新结域,沿着逃逸线(ligne de fuite)绘制自身的地图(carte),形成一处新的根茎。根茎式的艺术创作无需扎根,只需沿着抽象线加速穿越(passer entre),放射出微观的粒子(des particules microscopiques),生成分子性的艺术配置,进行一种游牧式的创作。新的创作是根茎式的、游牧式的,让层与根产生断裂,沿着逃逸线形成自由的笔触,模仿与谱系是拙劣且无趣的,不需要扎根,没有开端没有终点,根茎游牧民绘制自身的地图,成为处于之间(être-entre)的分子性的存在。

Garden design is a kind of becoming, to become an arrangement that could be connected with the world. According to the theory of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, becoming-garden is a rhizome, which deterritorializes classic garden and then reterritorializes it when meeting residential system of modern architecture, drawing its own map along the line of flight to become a new rhizome. Artistic creation of rhizome rather than to take root only needs to speed up and pass through along the abstract line, radiating microscopic particles, becoming molecular artistic arrangements, and performing nomadic creation. The new creation is rhizomatous and nomadic, breaking the connection between layers and the root, forming free brushes along the line of flight. Imitation and pedigree are clumsy and boring, no roots no beginning and no end point, rhizome-nomads drawing their own maps, becoming molecular being-among.

01 一亩园(方案)
   One Mu Garden(Conceptual Project)

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▲ 主园 Main garden ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


In the summer of 2016, we designed One Mu Garden in Suzhou (one mu = 666.67m2). The site selected is introverted. We wanted to create a garden-residence, where the inner atmosphere is much more important than the surrounding environment.

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▲ 主厅檐廊 Corridor of the salon ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 廊桥 Corridor-bridge ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 工作间 Atelier ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


The site plan shows that buildings are distributed in the periphery,forming gardens in the center. The entrance is located on the south side with a yard for vegetable on the left and a garage on the right. When we enter the door, the path emerges between two walls, bringing the memory of the rosebush of the classic garden Yipu. After turning a corner, we arrive at a moon gate, showing a preview of the landscape of the main garden. For entering the garden, we still need to go indoors on the westside firstly, pass through the entrance hall and then arrive at the main salon.

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©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


A corridor-bridge in the shape of polyline cross over the central space, piding it into two parts, the main garden in the south and the inner garden in the north. The main garden as the public zone is more open, with the atelier on the east side facing the main salon in the west; the inner garden is more private, spaces expand circuitously to the north-east. The water of the garden is like Liu Garden, starting from the moon gate at the southmost end of the main garden, passing under the corridor-bridge, meandering inwards and finally hiding its end in a courtyard in the northeast of the site.

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▲ 主园,看向工作间 Main garden, viewing the atelier ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 工作间,看向主园 Atelier, viewing the main garden ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 廊桥 Corridor-bridge ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 内园 Inner garden ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 书斋 Study ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 水庭 Water-courtyard ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


These corridors as the circulation system form interesting paths for promenade; a series of courtyards set one by one, make the limit vague between interior and exterior spaces, meanwhile the privacy increases progressively. Among these courtyards, each room has different view, forming inner atmosphere of its own. The northwestern and southeastern parts of the buildings were designed as two-story volumes. A kind of three-dimensional appeal was add to this modern garden-villa by those terraces and rooms with courtyards on the upper floor.

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▲ 东、西立面 East elevation and west elevation ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

02  四合园墅(方案)
Quadrangle Garden Villa(Conceptual Project)

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▲ 中庭院,三个白色体量 Central courtyard, three white volumes ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 主庭园 Main garden ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 主庭园,由水榭看向中庭院 Main garden,viewing central courtyard from water-pavilion ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 由主厅看向中庭院 viewing central courtyard from main salon ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 二层三合小院,由两间卧室一间书房围合 2nd floor courtyard, surrounded by 2 bedrooms and 1 study ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


The site of this project is located in a villa district in the southern suburbs of Suzhou. The client wanted to demolish the old house and to build a modern garden-villa. Most villa districts show a figure-ground relation, a house set in the center with bounding walls surrounded, so that a boring area is formed. The house is only a volume containing its interior and the yard is just a piece of open land without any spatial permeation between interior and exterior.

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©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


Our design strategies are firstly to split the whole into four two-story volumes, forming a central courtyard; then corridors are set alone bounding walls and pavilions are placed at joint points when needed, so that a main garden is formed in the southeast of the site, between the main building and the corridors. People enter the villa by the entrance in the northeast, going along the corridors, passing through the main garden, arriving at the central courtyard, or turn to the west firstly, getting into the central courtyard and then visiting the main garden in the southeast. The inner and outer space provide an interesting promenade experience and a strong layering feeling. The transparent façade of the main salon in the southern volume intensify visually the permeation between inner and outer spaces.

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▲ 入口 廊 Entrance corridor ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 中庭 Central courtyard ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


Another important issue is to utilize the vertical layout of the villa building, two floors with a basement, to form a three-dimensional garden. A series of courtyards and terraces are placed on the 2nd floor, which make people forget the floor; A “L” shaped swimming pool, a sunken courtyard and duplex space are set, which make people forget that they are on the basement floor. In this way the conception of “Floor” is fuzzified, there seems to be infinite spatial experiences in this limited building.

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▲ 位于地下层的L型泳池 “L” shaped swimming pool on the basement floor ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

03  SK Villa(方案 Conceptual Project)

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▲ 水庭园 Water garden ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


The autumn of 2019, we were commissioned by the client to redesign an old industrial site of 4000m2, containing some abandoned workshop buildings and warehouses. Our client hoped to build a modern garden-villa that is the enlarged version of One Mu Garden or Quadrangle Garden Villa. The new building would be used as a hotel (about 20 rooms) and meanwhile a vacation villa was planned for the client’s family. The total building area is 4000m2. We decided with the client to set up more public spaces so that the project would be a local cultural and touristic complex, which could receive a number of customers not staying.

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▲ 北立面 North elevation ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


The site is surrounded by a river in the north, a town road in the west and an orchard-field in the east. Another industrial site in the south needs to be separated by high wall. The main entrance is situated in the north side, a bridge crossing the river, which is similar to Canglang Pavilion Garden. A linear glass volume on the west side of the entrance is overhung above the river, which is light and transparent. People siting and drinking tea therein, watch the landscape that permeates mutually between the garden and the river. Retail and displaying spaces are placed by street-side in the west.

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▲ 鸟瞰 Aerial view ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


The whole garden is pided into two parts, the east side is the water garden, and the west side is a courtyard of gravel. This courtyard is surrounded by the tearoom, the displaying space and the canteen, which is able to hold a party, forming a neat glass façade and sharing the view of the courtyard. Guestrooms on the second and the third floor retreat a little to keep a certain distance for privacy.

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▲ 水庭园,看向别墅 Water garden, viewing the villa building ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


The border of the water garden is irregular providing full and varied surrounding façades, like Master of the Nets Garden. Walkways and corridors around water give experiences of promenade, repose and viewing. A pavilion is formed at the joint point of two corridors, floating lightly above the water, hiding the villa building in the north behind its back. The first floor of the east volume is a little art gallery, also used as an handcraft atelier, whose glass façade brings in the landscape of the orchard-field on the east of the site, gaining visual depth for the whole garden. Eight guestrooms are set on the second and third floor, viewing east.

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▲ 由艺术馆看水庭园 Viewing water garden from the art gallery ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

04  上海熊猫集团办公空楼改造设计(建造中)
Transformation of Sourper & Panda – Groupe Office Building(under construction)

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▲ 由五楼大厅看六楼庭院 Viewing 6F courtyard from 5F hall ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 屋顶花园 Roof garden ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


The design scope of this project is 5F, 6F and the roof of a six-story office building in Qingpu, Shanghai. How to produce spatial interaction among two floors and the roof having no vertical connection is the design objective of this transformation project. Our strategy is to remove one piece of floor-slab of 6F and a piece of roof situated aside to obtain a double-height hall and a courtyard on 6F, which builds vertical connection for spaces from 5F, 6F to the roof floor that is designed as a garden. The courtyard inserted on 6F provides view, which can be shared by the hall on 5F, the corridor and the meeting room on 6F.

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▲ 剖面分析图 Section analysis ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 六楼走廊 6F corridor ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 由六楼会议室看庭院 Viewing the courtyard from 6F meeting room ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 工地  Work site ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 工地  Work site ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


The roof garden is the key point of this project. We hope to realize a garden that is beyond daily life on the roof of this building. It will bring aesthetic surprise for the whole enterprise campus when meeting the needs for relaxing of the company executives.

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▲ 屋顶场地原貌 Original site of the roof ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 屋顶花园,看向亭子M Roof garden, viewing Pavilion M ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


The roof floor is pided into two parts by the courtyard. We place in each part a triangular pavilion made of steel structure, floating lightly above the gravel floor with the walkway in the shape of polyline, which connects the two pavilions.

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▲ 屋顶花园平面图 Roof garden plan ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 屋顶花园 Roof garden ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 亭子 Picnic  Pavilion Picnic ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 亭子 Picnic  Pavilion Picnic ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI


White planting boxes are placed on the periphery of the roof, plantation belts separate the artistic conception of the garden from the outside. Triangular stainless-steel planting boxes are interspersed in the middle, with little trees and shrubs planted, floating in the garden.

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▲ 亭子 Picnic  Pavilion Picnic ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 工地 Work site ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 工地 Work site ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

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▲ 工地 Work site ©柯笠建筑 Atelier LI

05  上海浦东田园住宅(建成)
     Pudong Villa(Built)

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▲ 南立面 South Elevation © WM STUDIO


As a project of self-built villa in the suburb of Shanghai, we hope to create garden-atmosphere under limited conditions. Delicate permeation and integration are formed between interior and exterior spaces of the villa by inserting courtyards in different floors and interspersing greenery. The white architectural volume that is intense and explicit becomes a container, containing several courtyards, forming stable inner atmosphere with courtyards as core, so that the artistic conception we pursue is realized.

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▲ 主庭院 Main Courtyard © WM STUDIO

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▲ 二层连廊 2nd Floor Passage © WM STUDIO

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▲ 一层起居室 1st Floor Living Room © WM STUDIO

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▲ 二层连廊 2nd Floor Passage © WM STUDIO

从一亩园到Pudong Villa,从方案到建造落地,是一系列根茎式的、游牧式的创作实践。在每个项目不同的背景和条件下,我们对园林不断地进行解域,与现代系统中不同的粒子相遇再结域,每次的逃逸线无法预测,会得到不同的结果,无法搜寻和论证谱系,仿佛绘制着一张不确定的地图,进行一场园林游牧。

From One Mu Garden to Pudong Villa and from concept to building, these projects are a series of creation and practice, which is rhizomatous and nomadic. In different contexts and under different conditions, we deterritorialize constantly classic garden and reterritorialize it when meeting different particles of modern system. Each time the lines of flight cannot be predicted and we get different results. To seek and to demonstrate the pedigree are impossible, so our creation is like drawing an uncertain map to perform a garden nomad.

项目名称:Garden Nomad, 从一亩园到Pudong Villa
设计方:柯笠建筑 Atelier LI
完成年份:2023(Pudong Villa)
图片版权:柯笠建筑 Atelier LI,WM STUDIO

Project name: Garden Nomad, From One Mu Garden to Pudong Villa
Project type: Five Projects
Design: Atelier LI
Design year: 2016-2021
Completion Year: 2023 (Pudong Villa)
Leader designers: Bai LI & Xuan LI
Photo credit: Atelier LI, WM STUDIO

来源:本文由柯笠建筑 Atelier LI提供稿件,所有著作权归属柯笠建筑 Atelier LI所有。



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