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发布于:2025-02-05 11:57:52



建筑外观及室内 ©Leonardo Finotti

建筑设计  Júlio Neves、Metro Arquitetos

项目地点  巴西圣保罗

建成时间  2024年

新增建筑面积  7,680平方米


圣保罗艺术博物馆(MASP)原馆由丽娜·博·巴蒂(Lina Bo Bardi)设计,是巴西现代建筑的代表之一,而本次扩建项目是一系列相关工程的一部分。新建筑以MASP首任馆长、Lina的丈夫Pietro Maria Bardi的名字命名。该系列工程最初于2014年启动,当时博物馆的新管理层推动了对原馆的修复。

The expansion project of the São Paulo Museum of Art is part of the process initiated in 2014, in which a new management of the institution promoted the gradual recovery of the building designed by Lina Bo Bardi.


Metro Arquitetos自一开始就参与到了这一工作当中,不仅恢复了博物馆原有的“水晶画架”展览系统,还增添了新的展览系统;同时,在安保、空调、修复等各类设施层面,均进行了相应改造。

This process, in which METRO has been involved since the beginning, resulted in the return of the Crystal Easels, the museum’s original exhibition system, new exhibition systems, and various infrastructure interventions such as security, air conditioning, and restoration.


建筑外观 ©Leonardo Finotti

建筑室内 ©Leonardo Finotti


Our involvement in this process allowed us to contribute a proposal for the occupation of the building adjacent to MASP – the Dumont Adams building, completed in 1958 and donated to MASP in 2006 – whose works had been halted in 2012.


MASP所在片区鸟瞰,改造对象为中间的窄楼 图源:saopauloantiga.com.br
建筑改造前及改造中 左图源:aroundus.com;右图摄影:Mike Peel
施工现场 图源:Metro Arquitetos官网

新建筑由Metro基于建筑师Júlio Neves的提案设计,Júlio Neves曾任该博物馆馆长长达14年,于2009年卸任。方案提议对现有住宅楼的混凝土结构进行部分拆除,并在两座建筑之间修建地下通道,以便从技术上和公共性上,实现整个建筑群功能的完全整合。

The new architectural project, by METRO ARQUITETOS, builds upon the project by Architect Júlio Neves and proposes the partial demolition of the existing concrete structure and the construction of an underground connection between the two buildings, allowing for the full functional integration of the complex, both technically and publicly.


设计草图 图源:Metro Arquitetos官网
轴测示意图 图源:Metro Arquitetos官网
建筑外观 ©Leonardo Finotti

在新馆室内望向原馆 ©Leonardo Finotti


The expansion of exhibition areas, public reception, and operational facilities – such as art handling, a new conservation and restoration laboratory, and dedicated classroom space – is included. The construction will increase the museum’s area by 6,945 m² with new gallery floors, classrooms, technical reserve, restoration laboratory, restaurant, shop, and event areas, expanding the activities carried out today and increasing visitor capacity.


建筑室内 ©Leonardo Finotti


The new volume of the building consists of a regular rectangular prism on a transparent base with public access, creating a discreet background for the main building.



A skin of perforated metal unifies the facades and allows for the control of lighting and temperature required for the display of artworks. The project employs the most advanced technologies available for museum air conditioning, lighting, and security systems.


建筑底层 ©Leonardo Finotti
立面内外 ©Leonardo Finotti
建筑外立面 ©Leonardo Finotti


The materials used – exposed concrete, steel, glass, and stone, together with industrialized systems – allow for the configuration of spaces suitable for contemporary museum standards and reference the characteristics of MASP, ensuring the architectural integration of the complex.


建筑室内 ©Leonardo Finotti

博物馆的售票处和商店位于Professor Otávio Mendes街,参观者可从这里或者从Paulista大道进入。公众也可以使用这里的餐厅或咖啡馆。

Visitor access is provided both from Professor Otávio Mendes Street – where the museum’s ticket office and shop are located – and from Paulista Avenue. In this space, the public will have access to services of a restaurant/café.



The first floor features a multipurpose area, with an indoor space prepared to host exhibitions and events, and a terrace overlooking the Lina Bo Bardi Building.



The spaces dedicated exclusively to exhibitions occupy 5 floors with a ceiling height of 5 meters. They are spacious and flexible areas that can be easily adapted to each exhibition project.


在新馆室内望向原馆 ©Leonardo Finotti

建筑室内 ©Leonardo Finotti



圣保罗艺术博物馆:巴西现代建筑、展陈与意识先锋 | 经典再读95





Project Type: Museum

Address: MASP, São Paulo, SP

Total Built Area: 7,680 m²

MASP Headquarters Area: 10,000 m²

Total Area of the Complex: 17,680 m²

Number of Floors: 14 floors

Ceiling Height of Exhibition Galleries: 4.95 m

Program: Public Reception, Exhibition Galleries, Multipurpose Room, Event Areas, Classrooms, Conservation and Restoration Laboratory, Shop, Restaurant, Café, Protected Loading and Unloading Area, Storage, and Technical Areas.

Legal Design: Escritório Técnico Júlio Neves

Architectural Design and Coordination: METRO ARQUITETOS

Project Manager: Miriam Elwig, MASP

Metal and Concrete Structures: Cia. De Projetos – Heloísa Maringoni

Demolition Design: SOFT Projetos Estruturais – Silvio Feitosa Filho

Foundation Design: MG&A Consultores – Mauri and Ilan Gotlieb

Subterranean Passage Design: Contag – Antônio Kenan

Climatization: Teknika – Raul de Almeida

Lighting Design: Fernanda Carvalho and Paula Carnelós

Installation Design: MHA Engenharia

Facade and Framing Design: QMD Consultoria – Igor Alvim

Sealing Design: Inovatec Consultores

Acoustics: Harmonia Global – Marcos Holz

Waterproofing: Petra – José Mário Andrello

Floor Design: Mix Design – Eduardo Tartuce

Landscaping: Ricardo Vianna

Accessibility Design: Design Universal Consultoria – Silvana Cambiaghi

Pre-Construction: Racional Engenharia

Consultants: Hypocaustum – Bruno Fedeli (museum climatization), Feurtec – Nilton Miranda (Fire Prevention and Fighting), Rumo Vertical – Fernão Fischel (Elevators and Loading Platform), PHD – Paulo Helene (Concrete Pathologies), GR Consultoria – Gabriel Regino (Exposed Concrete Treatment), PB Sistemas de Ancoragem – Márcia Pinheiro (Facade Maintenance), Integer – Frederico Noyma (Underground Network Relocation), Enproplan – Weller Alves (Legalizations), Consultrix – Marcelo Ferreira (CQP Foundations), Figueiredo Ferraz Consultoria e Engenharia de Projeto – Roberto Alves (CQP MASP Concrete), MS Consultoria – Mario Sérgio Junqueira (CQP Installations), Projeto Alpha – Flávio D’Alambert (CQP Metal Structure), SOFT Projetos Estruturais – Silvio Feitosa Filho (CQP Concrete Structures), Sérgio Stolovas (Dynamic Load Analysis), Inovafi – Denise Rios (Radiology Consulting).

Photos: Leonardo Finotti

In addition to the contracted professionals, the project relied on the essential collaboration of the MASP technical teams.






上一篇:BIM建筑|Casa Taller,避世林中 / Agustín Berzero+Manuel González Veglia

下一篇:装配式政策 | 福建│关于印发《三明市中心城区绿色建筑专项规划(2024-2035年)》的通知


