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发布于:2024-09-28 14:21:34




PAL 国际学校@TUFS / Naf 建筑设计事务所
PAL International School@TUFS / Naf Architect & Design


该项目位于东京外国语大学校园内,是一所幼儿园和提供课后课程教学的国际学校,场地位于从大学中心广场延伸出来的林荫大道的尽头。这是一个高差约 2 米的小山丘,据说是用旁边的学生宿舍修建时剩余的泥土堆成的。场地四周用铁丝网隔开,看起来与整个校园格格不入,因为它在校园的尽头,这里杂草丛生,让人望而却步,场地中间有一个切口,将山丘一分为二,后面设置了一个吸烟区,可能是因为从周围看不到里面的原因。

An international school that provides a nursery and after-school program designed on the campus of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. The site was designated at the end of a tree-lined avenue extending from the university’s central plaza. It was a hill-like place with a height difference of about 2 meters, and I was told that the hill was made of leftover soil that had been piled up when the student dormitory next to it was built. The site was segregated by a surrounding chain link fence, and it seemed detached from the entire campus as being located at the far end, where weeds grow so thick that you might hesitate to enter in the summer. There was a cut in the center that pided the hill into two, and a smoking area was set up at the back, probably because it was out of sight from the surrounding area.




The above explanation may give a negative impression, but when I first visited the site, my impression was the exact opposite. Its location on the large university campus, at the end of a tree-lined avenue that extends from the central plaza, was very easy to find. Beyond that, the road outside the campus was lined with attractive cherry blossom trees. It is common for nursery schools to build artificial hills in their gardens, and after consulting with the director, we decided to use an existing hill as an artificial hill. The assumption is that the entire garden is an artificial hill and would be positively used as a three-dimensional field to accept the activities and imagination of the children. To reduce the amount of soil removed during construction, the school building was built away from the center of the hill, moved to the side, and stretched along a road in front, lined with cherry blossom trees. The roof of the nursery building is kept low so that when you stand on the hill, you can see the surrounding trees and scenery.


屋檐下有一条室外走廊,走廊与山丘之间有一道挡土墙。为了尽量减少土方工程,建筑师选择将挡土墙推向建筑,在山坡高、土方量大的部分适当缩小走廊净宽,除此之外,依据运营的需求,加宽了交通拥挤区域的走廊宽度,同时放置沙发供孩子们休息,为了保证安全,0 - 1岁儿童的操场前的这段走廊被缩小了。挡土墙的位置考虑了这两种情况的平衡。因此,走廊和山丘之间通过挡土墙相连,挡土墙沿着建筑设置,全长 47 米,有 7 处拐弯,屋檐也对应地延伸和弯曲。为了防止雨水进入走廊,挡土墙的顶部边缘斜切向山丘。

There is an outdoor hallway under the roof's eaves, and a retaining wall separates the hallway from the hill. To minimize the earthwork, we opted to narrow the hallway where the hill is high and the amount of soil is large by pushing the retaining wall toward the building and broadening the hallway where the hill is low. However, due to operational requirements, the hallway was broadened where wide hallway was requested to put sofas for children to gather or there is a lot of traffic and narrowed in front of the playground for children aged 0 to 1 to ensure safety. The location of the earth retaining wall was considered to balance both conditions. As a result, the hallway and the hill are connected by earth retaining walls that are cranked at seven locations along the 47m length of the building, and the eaves are also extended and cranked accordingly. To prevent rain from entering the hallway, the top edge of the retaining wall was cut diagonally toward the hill.  




人们通过面向走廊的多扇推拉门都可以进入房间,在建筑邻近道路的一侧安装了高窗扇,位置正好在屋顶下方,可以看到樱花树的枝条。建筑的长边有 47 米,但短边只有 4.5 米,所以只要打开两边的窗户,就能确保一定的通风。夏天,成排的樱花树可以遮挡东方的晨曦,而在冬天,当树叶掉落后,阳光会照射到室内,屋檐和旁边的学生宿舍会挡住西边的夕阳。

Facing the hallway, many sliding door sashes allow access from many places in the room. On the front roadside opposite the hallway, high window sashes were installed just below the roof in a position where branches of the cherry blossom trees can be seen. The long side of the nursery building is 47m, but the short side is only 4.5m, so if you open the sashes on both sides, you can ensure ventilation in 4.5m. In the summer, the rows of cherry blossom trees provide shade from the morning sun coming from the east, and in the winter, when the leaves fall, the sunlight reaches indoors. The eaves and the adjacent student dormitory block the sunset from the west.


考虑到木材的通用性和成本,结构采用木制,横截面和长度(6 米以内)都符合住宅标准。幼儿园建筑的短边是4.5 米,但从短边伸出的屋檐最长有2.7 米,总长度超过 6 米,因此可以通过像“chopstick gun”一样通过滑动顶端的横梁来调节长度。这样,根据弯曲的不同导致长度不同的屋檐就可以由同一个结构单元来支撑。这种结构单元在 47 米长的建筑中重复出现了 14 组,这同时也成为了室内设计的一部分。

The structure is made of wood, considering its versatility and cost, and the cross-section and length (6m or less) meet residential standards. The short side of the nursery building is 4.5m, but the eaves that extend from it are a maximum of 2.7m, and the total length exceeds 6m, so the length can be adjusted by sliding a beam held at the tip like a “chopstick gun.” This allows the eaves, which have different lengths depending on the crank, to be supported by the same structural unit. This unit was repeated in 14 sets over the 47m long length of the building and was used as the interior design.





There is a shuttle bus stop next to the entrance. Although the nursery school was built on a university campus, it accepts children not only from the university but also from the vicinity. Children from various countries outside Japan attend the school, including Senegal, Uganda, the United States, China, South Korea, and others, and the same goes for the staff. For example, school lunch is prepared by someone from Uzbekistan and her local cuisine can be served at lunch. Inside the garden, a route has been set around the hill for cars to go through the site from the entrance side to the bus stop on the front road. The range of activities is expected to expand as various functions, such as a mobile tea room and a camper for overnight childcare, are introduced and “plugged in” to the nursery school. At the school’s first anniversary celebration, food trucks came, and many people lined up for food; international families and local residents visited, and cheerleading demonstrations by students were crowded with many people.



The university’s central plaza is the hub of campus circulation, and is literally the center of university activities, serving as the main venue filled with stalls for events such as university festivals. Creating “another plaza” for the university’s central plaza was the concept of designing the nursery school, which was intended to add a “childcare” activity at the end of the tree-lined avenue that extends from the central plaza. The basic design principle is to restructure the space by placing a low-height wooden school building as part of the abandoned hill and turning childcare activities into a landscape beyond the tree-lined avenue. We can sense that this concept is being nurtured through the bustling first-anniversary celebration.


建筑师希望通过这种方式将“另一个广场”与中心广场连接起来,突出两者的特点,为创造新的价值和兴趣奠定基础。幼儿园园长和大学校长在初期的对话中交换了很多想法,比如“如何把幼儿园食堂准备好的午餐以类似 UberEats 的方式送到学生手中?”“学习幼儿教育的学生作为实习生如何参与托儿工作?”其中一些想法已经实现,还有更多等待开发。

We hope that connecting “another plaza” with the central plaza in this way will highlight the characteristics of both and lay the groundwork for creating new value and interest. Many ideas were exchanged in the conversation at the early stage between the nursery school director and the university president, such as “How about delivering lunch prepared in the nursery school cafeteria to students in a similar way to UberEats?” “How about students studying early childhood education to participate in childcare as interns?” Some of these have already been realized, and many more will be developed.




On a separate note, this is a project funded by crowdfunding, whose target amount was achieved 17 seconds after the call started, and in the end, more than 1,000 investors applied for the project, raising nearly three times the goal. At the design meeting, the university president said, “It’s been our long-standing desire to build a nursery school at the university,” which left me with the impression that the inner circle of the university, which has more women by gender ratio, had much expectation to the project. However, the features of this nursery school lie in creating new values and excitement around children while making the most of the university environment, not just serving their need for childcare. We feel that the expectation for the nursery school to provide more than its primary role of childcare against the backdrop of society, in general, is coming from far beyond the framework of the university.



日本政府于 2023 年初成立了儿童和家庭厅,倡导“以儿童为中心的社会”。这个项目创下了最快的众筹记录,而且似乎不会在短期内被打破。建筑师认为,这些内容是这一趋势的见证。

The Japanese government established the Children and Families Agency in early 2023, advocating a “children-centered society.” This project achieved the fastest crowdfunding record, which does not seem to be broken any time soon. We believe these are only a few testaments to this surging trend.









面积:238 m²
年份: 2022

Architects: Naf Architect & Design
Area: 238 m²
Year: 2022
Photographs:Toshiyuki Yano




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