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BIM建筑|4层露台堆叠:新加坡乌节泛太平洋酒店 / WOHA

发布于:2025-03-11 21:08:38


云端露台  ©Darren Soh
建筑外观  ©Darren Soh

设计单位  WOHA

建成时间  2023年

项目地点  新加坡

建筑面积  19,625平方米





The design of Pan Pacific Orchard proposes a prototype for nature-positive vertical urbanism, serving the common good of people, the neighbourhood and environment, and increasing the amount of nature and biodiversity in the city. Located at 10 Claymore Road, it features tropical, breezy open-air architecture and lush greenery throughout its four distinct strata containing a matrix of guestrooms, social spaces and garden terraces.


建筑外观  ©Patrick Bingham-Hall
建筑外观  ©Darren Soh


To overcome the limited site area and to break down the scale, the design stacks 4 distinct strata with 3 Sky Terraces inserted as elevated grounds with amenities surrounded by gardens. The guest rooms are split into 3 stacks configured in L-shaped stacks overlooking either the Sky Terraces or city.


海滩露台  ©Darren Soh


Located at the ground level, the Forest Terrace steps down from Claymore Road to Claymore Drive with a cascading water plaza, edged by forest trees. This dramatic entrance doubles as a publicly accessible urban connection that connects Claymore Road to Orchard Road and offers both guests and the public a respite from the hustle and bustle of the densely built up district.


森林露台夜景  ©Darren Soh


The Beach Terrace above is a tropical oasis with an organically-shaped emerald lagoon, meandering sandy beachfront and palm groves floating above the bustling Orchard Road.


海滩露台  ©Darren Soh
海滩露台夜景  ©Studio Periphery

第三层叫“花园露台”,朝向克雷莫山(Claymore Hill)宁静的住宅区。露台两侧是酒吧和休息区,这里展示了一个精心修剪的花园,配有阳台、草坪、喷泉和各类植物。

Further up, the Garden Terrace orientates towards the quiet Claymore residential estate. Flanked by the hotel’s bar and lounge, this sky terrace showcases a manicured garden with reflection pools and planter beds.


花园露台  ©Darren Soh


At the top, the Cloud Terrace comprises a landscaped event plaza surrounded by a 400-seat ballroom, function room, planter islands and reflection pools. The terrace is sheltered by a photovoltaic canopy above.



Green columns anchor each terrace and visually connect the four strata. Together with the landscaping on the terraces, the building replaces 300% of its site area with greenery. The selection of greenery echoes the theme of each stratum, bringing nature and biodiversity back to the city.


云端露台  ©Darren Soh
云端露台  ©Darren Soh
云端露台夜景  ©Darren Soh
铺有光伏板的屋顶  ©Darren Soh


The interiors are designed to reinforce the experience of each strata, offering a unique boutique-scale hotel experience. Huge living green columns with creepers visually connects the 4 stratas, juxtaposing against the stacked massing and lend the urban hotel with a touch of resort.


室内公共空间  ©Darren Soh
室内公共空间  ©Studio Periphery


Pan Pacific Orchard contributes to the vibrancy of the city by revealing celebrations that are normally hidden indoors. This is made possible by the open-air, cross-ventilated yet sheltered spaces which are designed specifically for Singapore’s equatorial climate, where warm humid air, low wind speeds and frequent, yet unpredictable, heavy rainfall make fully outdoor events a challenge.


花园露台及城市环境  ©Darren Soh


These garden volumes provide views for both the rooms and the neighbours, creating a spatial interplay with the neighbourhood that is lacking in most high-density environments. The mirrored ceilings reveal the landscape and activities to the street below. Likewise, the signature creeper-clad columns make a powerful green statement.



The huge volumes function as giant sunshades to the terrace and rooms, while the reflective ceilings act as thermal mirrors, providing radiant cooling by doubling the surface area of gardens and water.


客房  ©Studio Periphery


Pan Pacific Orchard has obtained the Green Mark Platinum rating, Singapore’s highest environmental certification, with its incorporation of active systems and passive design strategies that reduce energy and water needs. It is Singapore’s distinctive garden hotel and a green icon in its famed Orchard Road. It demonstrates that densification and vertical urbanism, instead of suburban sprawl, can produce a high-density, high-amenity built environment that is more liveable, sustainable and desirable.


建筑外观夜景  ©Darren Soh


设计图纸 ▽


1层平面图  ©WOHA
2层/森林露台平面图  ©WOHA
5层/海滩露台平面图  ©WOHA
11层/花园露台平面图  ©WOHA
18层/云端露台平面图  ©WOHA
21—23层平面图  ©WOHA
屋顶层平面图  ©WOHA
东立面图  ©WOHA
西立面图  ©WOHA
北立面图  ©WOHA
南立面图  ©WOHA
长轴剖面图  ©WOHA
短轴剖面图  ©WOHA










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