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BIM建筑|虚张声势之家 - 废土乐园 / 察社办公室

发布于:2024-09-24 17:55:49


重返青春的“废土乐园”  摄影:朱雨蒙
两棵树和两个院子  摄影:朱雨蒙
不同高程间的穿越  摄影:朱雨蒙

设计单位  察社办公室

项目地点  北京门头沟

建成时间  2024年7月

建筑面积  305平方米




a process of rejuvenation



Sitting at the far end of a terraced landscape, estranged from most of its neighbours, this derelict house had been left vacant, nearly forgotten by its owner. Over the years, wild plants, collapsed structures and rubbish seem to have taken over the premises, making it a wasteland in the village. On our first visit, it was evident that stray animals, birds, bees, and palm-sized spiders had made this place their home. Near the edge of the site, two toon trees flourished despite the neglect, as if they were thriving to shield this desolate land and the wildlife within.


村庄附近的山峦  摄影:朱雨蒙
总平面图  ©察社办公室

几乎坍塌的原有石砌建筑  ©察社办公室


Years later, the owner decided to transform this wasteland into a vibrant retreat. The new development would feature 5 bedrooms, complemented by expansive indoor and outdoor spaces with stunning mountain views, an open-air bath, a swing, and a slide. Designed to be a place of joy and relaxation, it promises something for both adults and children to enjoy.


从东南方向看建筑  摄影:朱雨蒙
建筑与山村  摄影:朱雨蒙

对于场地来说,从废土到乐园,似乎是一个重返青春的过程。在Lucas Cranach the Elder1573年的画作《Fountain of youth(不老泉)》中,矩形下沉的浴池和背景中粗粝的荒丘形成对比。这种在不确定中获取确定的形式,似乎隐喻着从悲苦到欢愉的对比和历程。结合紧张的预算,我们觉得像画作中简单几何形态约束的体量,也可以扮演乐园的身份。

The transition from wasteland to paradise seems to be a process of rejuvenation. In the painting of Lucas Cranach the Elder’s, Fountain of Youth(1573), a finely crafted sunken basin symbolizing the enchanting fountain of youth, stands in stark contrast to the surrounding rough and barren landscape, which represents the arduous age of mankind. This contrast is metaphorically reflected in our design process. Working with a limited budget, we created the simple geometric forms. Just like the square basin in the painting, infusing the space with a sense of rejuvenation --- turning a piece of wasteland into a playground.


Fountain of youth, Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1573
建筑南立面外观  摄影:朱雨蒙
梯形台地上的建筑  摄影:朱雨蒙

户外泡池  摄影:朱雨蒙
厨房内外  摄影:朱雨蒙






The budget permitted a construction area of approximately 300 m2, that area for 2 level building, leaving the original 700 m2 courtyard feeling rather sparse. The neighbouring building, however, happens to be large and imposing, dominating its boundary in all three dimensions. Simply placing 300 m2 of construction on the site would have created an awkward relationship between the new structure and the existing surroundings.



We decided to build a house featuring multiple semi-outdoor spaces and independent structures, creating a sense of grandiosity despite the limited footprint. The design centres around a basic cubic unit of 4.5m x 4.5m, which then forms houses, porches, or ‘hollow frames’. In some instances, sections of these units were partially removed to enhance light and sightlines for the neighbours, as well as to soften the building’s presence on the adjacent street. These interconnected spaces helped shape the distinctive atmosphere of this ‘playground’.


空间轴测拆解示意图  ©察社办公室
南侧通道次入口  摄影:朱雨蒙
南侧面向山谷的庭院  摄影:朱雨蒙
北侧连接上下两层标高的庭院  摄影:朱雨蒙



Another stone house



Given the site’s inaccessibility, we reused a substantial amount of stone from the original ruins. Excluding the retaining wall, the stone was employed to fill the walls after erecting the concrete frame. This approach not only reduced the need for additional infill material and waste disposal but also naturally crafted a building façade with a rugged, northern mountain aesthetic.


拆除结束后,现场只有石头和两颗大树;为了节省开支,建造过程中石头依然留在现场  ©察社办公室
石头的再利用  ©察社办公室

▲ 建造过程记录  ©察社办公室


石砌外墙效果  摄影:朱雨蒙

这种混凝土与石材的组合,在建筑史中也不乏先例,例如Herzog & De meuron1982年的项目Stone House。不同的是,Stone House对材料和构造的选择,更多是出于对形式、符号和文化(地域主义)上的考量,石材干砌混凝土构件真真假假。而“虚张声势之家”是在面对现场困难(场地位置、预算)所做的选择,结构和维护墙体完整、诚实地被裸露出来。

The combination of concrete and stone is not rare in architecture history, as seen in Herzog & de Meuron’s 1982 Stone House. While Stone House used materials based on formal, symbolic, and cultural ideas(regionalism)—like its dry-laid stone and hidden concrete structures. The design of House of Bluff focuses on a straightforward approach to structure and upkeep, leaving the enclosure walls exposed, addresses the specific challenges presented in this project, such as its location and limited budgets.



The intense rainstorms of summer 2023 highlighted the limits of internal waterproofing insulation in withstanding long periods of heavy rain. Consequently, a small stainless-steel eave was added to the roof to help manage rainwater more effectively.


Stone House, Herzog & de Meuron, 1982
连廊的屋顶上  摄影:朱雨蒙
房顶加装不锈钢挑  摄影:朱雨蒙



Under the tree


从总图来看,设计保留场地中最大的两颗椿树—— 一南一北,把场地分成东西两部分。西侧临近入口,化作公共空间的主体;东侧变成主要的客房部分。东西之间被一个有屋面覆盖的室外空间连接起来。屋盖之上,可以通过一部钢制旋转楼梯抵达。

From a masterplan perspective, we preserved the two largest toon trees at the heart of the site, which divide the area into east and west wings. The west wing, near the entrance, is designated as the main public space, while the east wing accommodates the primary guest rooms. The two wings are connected by an outdoor space covered by a roof, accessible via a steel spiral staircase.



The area above and below this roof serves as a key area for outdoor activities in the courtyard. To ensure a continuous climatic boundary, an indoor passageway is embedded on the north side under the roof, in a semi-basement position. This design allows for the flow of air, light, and human activity between the north and south sections.


庭院与树的空间关系  ©察社办公室
两棵树和两个院子  摄影:朱雨蒙

户外连廊下  摄影:朱雨蒙
回看南侧面向山谷的庭院  摄影:朱雨蒙

金属旋转梯  摄影:朱雨蒙



A huge hotpot



The main entrance is situated at a higher elevation in the northwest corner of the site. Upon entering, one descends a staircase into the double-height main space on the ground floor. The kitchen, living room, and dining room are arranged from south to north, with the outdoor sunken bathtub positioned directly facing the south of the entrance, under the exposed concrete frame. The sunken bath is supported by concrete folding beams and vertical columns, with the vertical concrete structures directly above the ground-floor kitchen and its central fireplace. We briefly considered naming the project House of Hotpot due to the striking visual effect of flames appearing below the water-filled bath.


设计草图  ©察社办公室
二层主入口  摄影:朱雨蒙
通过楼梯下到主生活间  摄影:朱雨蒙
厨房的上面是户外的泡池  摄影:朱雨蒙

主生活间  摄影:朱雨蒙
厨房  摄影:朱雨蒙






To the west of the public space, is a staff dormitory with its own entrance, a logistics room, a shower room leading to the sunken bath, and a corner game room that can double as an additional guestroom when needed. On the east side of the public space are three exits, one of which is near the main entrance and opens to a slide descending to the next level of the courtyard. This slide not only adds a playful element but also serves as a practical way to transport luggage from the upper floor. To the south, the ground floor opens out to the courtyard, and a few steps down the centre leads to the semi-basement passage, which also functions as a mini gallery.


建筑剖透视示意图  ©察社办公室

门廊  摄影:朱雨蒙
滑梯入口  摄影:朱雨蒙
滑梯  摄影:朱雨蒙
主生活间  摄影:朱雨蒙
半地下连廊入口  摄影:朱雨蒙
半地下连廊  摄影:朱雨蒙
沿着挡土墙的户外连廊  摄影:朱雨蒙


Overall, House of Bluff embodies simple geometric forms and introduces order into a previously chaotic site, much like the painting Fountain of Youth. Externally, the building’s exposed façade combines concrete frame with stone filler, while internally, the walls are finished with warm-toned stucco plaster, with the projecting structural frames re-covered in wooden paneling. This deliberate interplay of two materials not only creates a striking visual contrast but also implied the dualistic juxtaposition of structure and maintenance systems, enriching its architectural narrative.


东侧二层大套房入口  摄影:朱雨蒙
东侧一层卧室  摄影:朱雨蒙
东侧二层大套房  摄影:朱雨蒙
大套间的卫生间  摄影:朱雨蒙

主生活间  摄影:朱雨蒙
户外连廊下  摄影:朱雨蒙
去户外泡池的楼梯  摄影:朱雨蒙
户外泡池附带的淋浴  摄影:朱雨蒙


设计图纸 ▽


下层平面图  ©察社办公室
上层平面图  ©察社办公室

剖面图  ©察社办公室
节点详图  ©察社办公室



项目名称:虚张声势之家 – 废土乐园



















上一篇:BIM建筑|ADWANGStudio办公室 / 肃画建筑ADWANGStudio
