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发布于:2025-03-10 12:49:20




Image © Jackie Matthews via Shutterstock

Notre Dame Cathedral Reopens in Paris, France


五年前一场毁灭性的大火烧毁了巴黎圣母院大教堂的屋顶和塔尖,甚至威胁到整个建筑的完整性。这座建筑现在正式重新开放,在之前举行了开放仪式,持续了两个小时,有领导人和贵宾出席。巴黎圣母院修复耗资约 7 亿欧元(约合 7.39 亿美元),这场仪式让我们有机会以第一批游客的身份看到修复成果,在修复过程中清洁了内部石材,展现出闪闪发光的白色哥特式内部空间。

The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris has officially reopened, five years after a devastating fire destroyed its roof and spire and threatened the integrity of the entire structure. The reopening ceremony took place on Saturday evening with a two-hour sermon, attended by global leaders and dignitaries. The ceremony also represented the first opportunity to witness the result of the estimated €700 million ($739 million) restoration, a process that included the thorough cleaning of the stone interiors, revealing a glistening white gothic interior.


Image © muratart via Shutterstock

在建筑方面,修复工作的重点是精心重建。在大火中严重受损的哥特式中殿已被完全翻新。被毁坏的塔尖与原塔尖几乎完全相同,“森林 ”屋顶结构来源于法国各地橡树。中殿的 28 个飞扶壁在重建工程开始前就已固定。此外,还修复了内部的29个小礼拜堂,这些小礼拜堂是 13 世纪增建的。

Architecturally, the restoration focused on meticulous reconstruction. The Gothic nave, damaged extensively in the fire, has been completely refurbished. The destroyed spire was reconstructed to be identical to the original 19th-century one, as was the "forest" roof structure, reconstructed using oak trees from across France. The 28 flying buttresses of the nave were secured before any work began. Twenty-nine chapels surrounding the interior, added in the 13th century, were also restored.


Image Courtesy of Histovery

内部装饰全部由Guillaume Bardet设计,包括高祭坛、安博台和帐幕。荆棘王冠等重要遗物得以保留,陈列在新的圣物盒中。路易九世国王赠送的南玫瑰窗也恢复了昔日的光彩。

重新开放后,最令人惊喜的是内部明亮通透。文物保护人员采用了一种新技术,用乳胶浆清洗受损的内部石雕,不仅清除了烟灰,还清除了使石雕变黑的积尘和污垢。这样,内部石材就变得 “异常 ”光亮,但有些人认为这不符合一个拥有数百年历史的哥特式大教堂的形象。

The interior was completely refurnished with new liturgical pieces designed by Guillaume Bardet, including the high altar, ambo, and tabernacle. Significant relics, such as the Crown of Thorns, were preserved and displayed in new reliquaries. The south rose window, a gift from King Louis IX, was also restored to its former glory.
Among the most surprising elements of the reopening were the bright and luminous interiors. Conservationists used a new technology involving a latex paste to clean the damaged interior stonework, removing not only the soot but also the accumulated dust and grime that darkened the stonework. The result is an "uncharacteristically" bright stone interior, which some have found to clash with the image of a centuries-old Gothic cathedral.


Image Courtesy of Histovery

历时五年的修复工作涉及 250 家公司的 2000 多名工人。修复工程不仅包括结构修复,还包括壁画的艺术修复和新礼仪用品的制作。开放仪式本身就融合了天主教传统和法国民族自豪感,彰显了这项工程的规模以及让这座标志性大教堂重新焕发生机的多方协作。在重新开放之前,世界各地的多个城市举办了AI展览,拉近了大教堂与公众的距离,展示了大教堂的历史和修复工作。在开展修复工作的同时,巴黎还重新设计了大教堂的周边环境,由景观设计师Bas Smets主导设计。

The five-year restoration involved over 2,000 workers from 250 companies. The project encompassed not only structural repair but also the artistic restoration of murals and the creation of new liturgical furnishings. The reopening ceremony itself was a blend of Catholic tradition and French national pride, highlighting the scale of the undertaking and the collaborative effort that brought the iconic cathedral back to life. Ahead of the reopening, several cities from around the world hosted augmented reality exhibitions to bring the iconic cathedral closer to the public and showcase its history and restoration efforts. In parallel with the restoration works, the city of Paris also set out to redesign its surroundings, a project led by landscape designer Bas Smets.


Image Courtesy of Histovery




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