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发布于:2025-03-10 18:08:14



建筑设计/景观设计  goa大象设计

施工图设计  宁波万豪空间结构工程有限公司、浙江恒欣设计集团股份有限公司

项目地点  浙江杭州

竣工年份  2024年

建筑面积  8,500平方米(改造部分)




“By reinterpreting regional culture through innovative technologies and materials, existing structures can be transformed into unique spaces that create ‘natural landscapes’ within urban contexts.”




“森谷”空间内景  ©Daily建筑摄影-刘国威



From Regular Courtyard to “Forest Valley”



Located in Liangzhu New City, Hangzhou, the Business Center of Boduo Sengo features four L-shaped high-rise office buildings enclosing a 4,000 sqm central courtyard. The lower three floors house commercial spaces interconnected by a loop corridor surrounding the courtyard.



The owner envisioned the courtyard as a shared garden for all users, but the original space after construction fell short of expectations: The straight corridor linking shops lacks variation, resulting in a tedious walking experience. With a narrow width of 28m and surrounding towers reaching 71m in height, the courtyard evokes the constrained sensation of an enclosed well. Courtyard receives no direct sunlight in winter, while in summer—when Hangzhou experiences its hottest temperatures—the space suffers from intense solar exposure. During rainy days, the uncovered courtyard remains underutilized.


原有规整方正的中庭缺乏活力  ©goa大象设计


Therefore, the owner aims to transform the complex into a pleasant space through a short-cycle renovation. GOA was commissioned to redesign the courtyard, entrances, and landscape. For the architects, this renovation project represents an unconventional urban renewal — targeting a recently completed building that requires minimal structural intervention yet demands qualitative transformations in spatial experience.



The primary challenge lies in enhancing weather adaptability while maintaining spatial continuity with the external environment. The architects proposed installing a translucent canopy over the courtyard as a "shelter". In summer, the canopy filters direct sunlight while allowing cross-ventilation from courtyard entrances, creating a cool microclimate. The structure also minimizes heat loss in winter and maintains usability during rain/snow through its thermal buffer zone effect.


天幕覆盖下的中庭  ©Daily建筑摄影-刘国威



Steel-Membrane Canopy



Architects sought to integrate the courtyard with surrounding commercial areas into a distinctive public area by drawing inspiration from local culture. Starting from the client's brand philosophy and inspired by the terraced tea plantations on Hangzhou's hills, the renovation shapes the canopy into a "Forest Valley". The undulating terrace-like form creates vertical variations within the horizontally confined space defined by the surrounding buildings, improving experiences.



The design also grants equal visual rights to all users: the canopy obscures the office towers, transforming the internal perception of the courtyard from a narrow "well" into a holistic space. Office workers above the fourth floor facing the courtyard also gain pleasant visual perspectives akin to overlooking verdant tea fields.



The canopy's complex form demanded precise engineering. As the original construction was completed when the renovation began, the supporting structure had to be anchored to the basement roof. To realize the design within a limited load-bearing capacity, the team selected lightweight membrane materials combined with steel frames. This system required less structural reinforcement than traditional materials like glass, offered greater plasticity, and utilized rainwater for self-cleaning, reducing maintenance costs.


膜材料在精密设计的钢结构框架上展开  ©Daily建筑摄影-刘国威


Aerial views reveal two membrane components: white transparent cushions projecting soft light into the courtyard and green multi-layered membranes evoking terraced tea plantations. Functioning like "parasols", the interlayer gaps improves ventilation and smoke exhaust.



The architect collaborated with structural consultants to resolve technical challenges in the large-span steel-membrane structure design, including extensive span lengths, diverse cross-sectional forms, and curved configurations. To further optimize the design, a dual-layer ETFE+PTFE membrane system was implemented in specific areas, with the grid-patterned inner membrane providing noise absorption enhancement. After analyses, three green air-cushion membranes with 50%, 40%, and 35% light transmittance were selected, creating a gradient visual effect resembling an overlapping landscape. The drainage system was ingeniously concealed within the structure, while a subtle slope allowed gravity to direct rainwater through seams between cushions to the ground.


钢-膜结构的生成过程  ©goa大象设计



Welcoming Urban Interface



Per the client's vision, the courtyard will serve as a multipurpose space — functioning as extended seating for shops daily while retaining capacity for exhibitions and events. Beneath the canopy, terraces extending from the building's inner facades become natural spatial extensions, enriching the original square layout. Detailed optimizations at corridor corners create engaging circulation experiences. Themed vegetation enhances the "Forest Valley" concept, combining with the "tea mountain" forms to cultivate a natural ambiance.


挑出的不规则露台与天幕的支撑结构融为一体  ©Daily建筑摄影-刘国威


The original building featured entrances on four sides. After renovation, the entrances now emphasize spatial identity through cantilevered eaves, integrated with plants and water curtains to guide visitors’ sight and path. While accessibility is essential for public spaces, the original site was dominated by parking lots and fire access zones, forcing pedestrians through lengthy green buffers. The redesigned landscape achieves pedestrian-vehicle separation, redefining the building's urban interface.


水幕与植被为入口楼梯赋予迷宫般的空间体验  ©Daily建筑摄影-刘国威

设计图纸 ▽


总平面图  ©goa大象设计
首层平面图  ©goa大象设计

剖面图  ©goa大象设计
钢膜结构平面布置图  ©goa大象设计
钢膜结构轴测图  ©goa大象设计
钢膜结构大样图  ©goa大象设计















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