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发布于:2025-03-19 12:49:20



Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第1张图片

Gianni Botsford建筑事务所在伦敦设计了一栋别墅,该别墅与norman foster建筑事务所设计的扩建工程工业风格相呼应
gianni botsford revitalizes london cottage, echoing its industrial norman foster extension


Gianni Botsford建筑事务所设计了Reciprocal住宅,建筑位于Hampstead区的Victoria酒吧后面,环境较为宁静。场地上原有一栋19世纪60年代的破旧小屋,后被该新建筑所取代,体量和原有建筑差不多,并设计成工业风格,设计师还将Foster建筑事务所在1969年设计的单层建筑进行重新修复。新建建筑采用钢桁架结构、混凝土块和大跨度铝框玻璃,这些设计措施是为了让建筑风格简约化、形式多样化。

新建建筑屋顶由几何体构成,表皮材料为穿孔铝网。屋顶局部采用褐色板覆盖,是对原有建筑的回忆,同时还可为新建建筑遮阴避雨,还能够将建筑与周边环境相互融合。Gianni Botsford认为,在建筑设计中,对自然环境的呼应是必不可少的,这也是当地建筑的设计理念。该建筑还设计了被动式策略,使住宅在建造使用过程中尽可能减少对环境的影响。

Gianni Botsford Architects tucks the Reciprocal House behind a Victorian pub in a quiet Hampstead mews. The London family home replaces a dilapidated 1860s cottage while restoring a single-story 1969 extension by Foster Associates (now Foster + Partners), complementing its industrial character with a reciprocal new volume. Defined by a steel truss structure, concrete blocks, and large-span aluminum-framed glazing, the original extension informs the new intervention’s minimalist language, materiality, and form.
The new addition reimagines the cottage’s roof profile through sharp, geometric elevations, while a perforated aluminum mesh cloaks the facade. Its soft copper-brown tone evokes the memory of the demolished structure while providing shade, privacy, and a visual connection to the surrounding trees.‘Our response to this sensitive and overlooked context is led by the notion of local adaptation,’ explains Gianni Botsford. Throughout, passive strategies have also been implemented to ensure that the house has minimal environmental impact.

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第2张图片

▲ 建筑表面覆盖有一层穿孔铝网|除另外说明外,所有图片均由Schnepp Renou提供
a perforated aluminum mesh cloaks the facade | all images by Schnepp Renou unless stated otherwise

建筑名为Reciprocal建筑,这是对原有建筑的怀念和对新建建筑的展望,使得新旧之间无形中产生对话。Gianni Botsford建筑事务所将20世纪60年代的扩建建筑与新建建筑高度设计一致,两者之间产生关联形成整体,使其具备自然景观与工业美学融合的特征。为了纪念被拆除的小屋,场地景观中使用的砖块来自于被拆除的小屋墙体。建筑采用大型实体屋顶使得建筑整体虚实对比明显,也使得建筑与自然环境融合,周围高大乔木让人们拥有了轻松愉悦的心情。


The project’s name, Reciprocal House, reflects its conceptual approach establishing a continuous dialogue between old and new. Gianni Botsford Architects’ intervention equalizes the architectural stature of the 1960s extension and the contemporary addition, creating a unified yet distinct composition that embraces natural views and a raw industrial aesthetic. Landscaping also embraces recycled bricks from the demolished cottage, emphasizing embodied memory while rooting the project in its past. Above, a vast roof terrace complements the volume’s transparency and immerses residents in the surrounding canopy of mature trees, connecting architecture and nature.
Inside the four-story house, the London-based architects introduce a series of locally fabricated aluminum elements, including a striking spiral staircase — a sculptural focal point — kitchen units, wardrobes, and bathroom fittings. A 2-meter-wide circular rooflight above the staircase floods the levels of the space with natural light while doubling as a ventilation shaft to enhance the home’s passive cooling strategy. Openness and flexibility are further prioritized with the layout, with the ground floor featuring a connected kitchen, dining, and living space. These flow seamlessly into the restored Foster + Partners extension, originally designed for entertaining and housing a grand piano. The upper floors, meanwhile, host three bedrooms and a roof terrace, and a basement studio benefits from tall, light-filled wells that draw daylight into the underground space.

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第3张图片

▲ Reciprocal住宅由Gianni Botsford建筑事务所设计
Gianni Botsford Architects completes Reciprocal House

Gianni Botsford建筑师事务所设计该建筑时,无论是形式还是功能,均遵循可持续发展原则。建筑采用高储热材料,如裸露的混凝土,可绝缘并气密性较高,减少热需求,自然地调节室温。该建筑不使用天然气供暖,采用空气源热泵供暖,场地内还设计有电动汽车充电桩,安装在天窗附近。建筑还设计有雨水废水回收系统,减少建筑用水量。绿色种植屋顶的设计可减少雨水径流,并能增加场地内的物种多样性。室内的螺旋楼梯和天窗组合设计,能够产生烟囱效应,自然通风,改善室内热环境。

From form to function, sustainability drives Gianni Botsford Architects approach. Materials with high thermal mass, such as exposed concrete, temper indoor temperatures naturally, while enhanced insulation and airtight construction reduce heating needs. The design eliminates gas  reliance entirely, with an air-source heat pump providing underfloor heating and an EV charger installed in the front lightwell. Rainwater and greywater recycling systems further minimize water use, while green roofs reduce runoff and enhance biopersity. The spiral staircase and opening rooflight work in tandem to create a stack effect, allowing warm air to escape in summer and promoting natural ventilation throughout.

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第4张图片

▲ 该住宅是在19世纪60年代的原始小屋场地上重建的,与1969年由Foster建筑事务所设计的扩建部分风格相统一
the family home replaces a dilapidated 1860s cottage while restoring a 1969 extension by Foster Associates

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第5张图片

▲ 建筑采用新的干预措施来实现功能合理化、形式多样化
the original extension informs the new intervention’s minimalist materiality and form

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第6张图片

▲ 伦敦建筑师在四层小楼中加入了许多本地制作的铝元素
inside the four-story house, the London-based architects introduce a series of locally fabricated aluminum elements

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第7张图片

▲ 雕塑般的螺旋楼梯成为室内视觉焦点
a sculptural spiral staircase becomes a focal point

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第8张图片

▲ 建筑师在屋顶上设计有圆形天窗,可为室内引进自然光线,还可兼做通风井
the circular rooflight floods three levels with natural light while doubling as a ventilation shaft

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第9张图片

▲ 露台的设计使得建筑立面的虚实对比更加强烈
the terrace complements the volume’s transparency

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第10张图片

▲ 建筑四周被高大乔木包围,使得建筑与自然环境互为融合
immersing residents in the surrounding canopy of mature trees, connecting architecture and nature

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第11张图片

▲ 房屋的扩建部分采用了钢桁架结构、混凝土砌块和大跨度铝框架玻璃
the extension is defined by a steel truss structure, concrete blocks, and large-span aluminum-framed glazing

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第12张图片

image by Jonny Wilson

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第13张图片

▲ 工业风格
an industrial character

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第14张图片

image by James Eagle

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第15张图片

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第16张图片

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第17张图片

image by James Eagle

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第18张图片

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第19张图片

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第20张图片

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第21张图片

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第22张图片

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第23张图片

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第24张图片

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第25张图片

Hampstead 区的“回忆再生宅”——砖石与铝材的穿越对话第26张图片

image by Jonny Wilson

建筑设计:Gianni Botsford建筑事务所
结构工程师:Tall 工程师
规划顾问:Barton Wilmore
承包商:New Wave

project info:
name: Reciprocal House
architect: Gianni Botsford Architects | @gianni_botsford_architects
location: London, UK
mechanical and electrical engineer: Integration
structural engineer: Tall Engineers
landscape architect: FFLO
heritage consultant: HCUK
planning consultant: Barton Wilmore
contractor: New Wave,
quantity surveyor: Measur
metalwork: Weber Industries




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