设计单位 Studio Muoto
建成时间 2016年
项目地点 法国巴黎
建筑面积 4,097平方米
这座设施位于大学校园中,融合了体育活动场地和餐饮场所,旨在促进校园内不同人群之间的联系,因而被称为“公共凝聚器”(Public Condenser)。
Designed as a Public Condenser, this university facility offers a mix of sports activities and eateries designed to foster relations between different campus users.
It takes the form of a series of layered terraces suspended between a wide public roof-terrace dedicated to sports.
这里有一家咖啡馆、一个大学食堂、一个接待和娱乐区,一些健身空间以及户外运动场。它们层层相叠,每一层都能让人们欣赏到萨克雷高原(Saclay Plateau)的全景。
A café, a university restaurant, a reception and entertainment area, fitness rooms and outdoor playgrounds are superimposed in tiers, offering a panoramic view from every level over the landscape of Saclay Plateau.
As each tier is visible on the exterior of the facility, the activities themselves form the façade of the building.
A monumental staircase, which functions as a central public space, provides visual and functional connections between the various programmes. The structure forms an open and flexible space, open 24 hours a day. All activities can be independently accessed from the stairway.
At the wider district scale, a public square between the existing Engineering School and the future campus facility forms a new public space serving all users of the community, ideal for meetings and events.
设计图纸 ▽
Program: Restaurant, cafeteria, indoor and outdoor sports facilities and various public spaces: a pedestrian square, street terraces, park areas for deliveries, bikes and cars
Client: Etablissement Public Paris Saclay (EPAPS)
Surface area: 4097 sqm
Budget: 6,500,000 €
Architect: Muoto
Consultants: Y-Ingéniérie, Bollinger & Grohmann, Alternative, Novorest
Year: 2011 – 2016
Certification: BBC, RT 2005
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