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BIM建筑|细腻的粗犷:UC San Diego应用物理与数学系大楼 / Robert Mosher

发布于:2024-10-08 11:01:57


AP&M大楼外观 ©Petrini studio
AP&M大楼外观 ©Petrini studio
建筑细节 ©Petrini studio

建筑设计  Robert Mosher

项目地点  美国加利福尼亚州

建成时间  1969年

建筑面积  165,000平方英尺(约合15,329平方米)


本文实景照片由Petrini studio摄影师Marco Petrini授权发布。


How can you tell if there are stories behind an architecture? Take this academic building as an example.


Exposed concrete, modular design, and the faithful presentation of the structure and materials tell us that the building was probably constructed in the second half of the 20th century when Brutalism prevailed. Common labels for other brutalist architectures such as "cold and rigid" and "overwhelming scale" seem irrelevant to this building. The vast scale is first broken down into different volumes, then further defused by the different treatments on the façade, and the richness of detailing in the prefabricated elements. Plants and the architecture complement each other, adding more softness to the space.


While marveling at its beauty, you can't help but explore its story at the sight of this building with such a sense of history.


建筑西立面 ©Petrini studio
建筑北立面 ©Petrini studio

这座建筑是加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校(University of California San Diego,以下简称UCSD)约翰·穆尔学院(John Muir College)应用物理与数学系的教学楼。
This architecture is the Applied Physics and Math (AP&M) building of the John Muir College of the University of California San Diego (UCSD).


UCSD成立于1960年,是一所知名的公立研究型大学,位于加利福尼亚州西南部的圣地亚哥市。其所处的片区名为“拉霍亚”(La Jolla),在西班牙语中意为“宝石”,形容此地优美的自然风光。UCSD设有六个学院,而约翰·穆尔学院是其中第二个建立的。学院的命名旨在纪念博物学家约翰·穆尔,正是在他的倡导之下,美国建立了优胜美地国家公园(Yosemite National Park)。
Founded in 1960, UCSD is a prestigious public research university in San Diego in southwestern California. The area where the campus is located is called "La Jolla", which means "the Jewel," which is a testament to its natural beauty. UCSD has six colleges, of which John Muir College is the second to be founded. The college is named in honor of John Muir, the naturalist who helped to establish the Yosemite National Park.


Within the college is contained the historic campus core, which covers the buildings that were planned and constructed between 1963 and 1971 on an 11-acre site. This includes seven architectures designed by different architects or firms under a unified set of design principles.


建筑外观及庭院 ©Petrini studio
建筑外观及庭院 ©Petrini studio

这些建筑共同构成了一个现代粗野主义建筑群经典案例。虽然粗野主义建筑常常被批评“非人性化尺度”“冷酷无情”,但穆尔校园中的这一系列建筑却体现出凝聚力与和谐,甚至凭借人性化的尺度以及建筑与自然的融合,传达出温暖、亲切之感。景观部分由Wimmer Yamada设计,以葱茏的植被唤起人们对优胜美地和穆尔所描述的森林景观的记忆。
These buildings together form one of the most cohesive and striking works of modern Brutalist architecture. While Brutalist architecture is often criticized for being dehumanizing and cold, the combined result of this collection of buildings is one of cohesiveness and harmony, on an intimate and human scale that even conveys warmth and community spirit. The landscaping was designed by landscape architect Joseph Yamada of Wimmer Yamada and was meant to evoke the natural landscape of Yosemite and Muir Woods through the use of pines and other vegetation found there.


在UCSD人员和当地保护专家的努力下,该校园于2007年获得了盖蒂基金会(Getty Foundation)的校园遗产捐赠款。这笔资金主要用于约翰·穆尔学院的保护工作。
Thanks to the efforts of UCSD personnel and local preservation experts, the campus received a Campus Heritage Grant from the Getty Foundation in 2007. The funds were used to draw up a historical resources assessment and preservation plan for the College's signature ensemble of Modernist buildings.


建筑与校园环境 ©Petrini studio
建筑融合于自然 ©Petrini studio
建筑融合于自然 ©Petrini studio
建筑融合于自然 ©Petrini studio

校园的规划布局过程经历了一番波折。建校之初,加州大学董事会聘请了洛杉矶建筑师罗伯特·亚历山大(Robert E. Alexander)来完成该校的长期总体规划。亚历山大的规划方案于1963年公布,运用强烈的轴线元素统合整个校园。但这一方案被认为过于规整和僵化,带头对其提出批评的罗伯特·莫舍(Robert Mosher)后来作为执行建筑师在1965年提出了一版更自然、更为人性化的规划方案,并与新的顾问建筑师A·昆西·琼斯(A. Quincy Jones)合作将其落地实现。
The process of planning and laying out the campus has taken some twists and turns. At the time of its founding, the Regents of the University of California hired architect Robert E. Alexander of Los Angeles to complete the long-range master plan for the University. Alexander's plan, released in 1963, utilized strong axial elements to unify the campus. But the plan was considered too formal and rigid, and Robert Mosher, who led the criticism, went on to propose a more natural, humanistic scheme as executive architect in 1965, working in collaboration with a new consulting architect, A. Quincy Jones, to bring it to fruition.


莫舍1965年的穆尔校园规划 ©Robert Mosher 图源:盖蒂基金会报告,即参考资料[1]
穆尔校园现有核心历史建筑,其中7为AP&M大楼 图源:盖蒂基金会报告,即参考资料[1]

The plan honored the favorable conditions of the natural, undeveloped environment of the site. The defining principles and conditions that shaped the plan included dramatic topography and proximity to the ocean, natural elements, and trees, together with a focus on pedestrian supremacy, the close clustering of buildings, the use of innovative pre-cast elements, and modern materials. The central tenets that Mosher employed in his architectural framework were the honesty of materials and Form Follows Function.


As executive architect for Second College, Robert Mosher had the responsibility of coordinating an architectural vocabulary and site plan that would unite the buildings of Second College, as well as keeping the various architects working towards the goal of the intended campus atmosphere.


建筑北侧 ©Petrini studio
建筑南侧 ©Petrini studio
建筑外部庭院 ©Petrini studio
建筑外部庭院 ©Petrini studio

In addition to coordinating, Mosher also completed the Applied Physics and Mathematics (AP&M) Building on campus. In fact, at the very beginning of the project, it was this assignment to design the AP&M building that got him involved in the project.


AP&M is the largest of the academic buildings at 165,000 square feet. It is 7 stories in height and consists of two perpendicular, rectangular buildings attached by a covered passageway at each story. This building is an icon of Muir College - its verticality and bold architecture create an image for the college.


Mosher chose a modular design for the academic buildings to allow for the greatest amount of flexibility within the interiors while creating a sense of order, harmony, and rhythm. Employing consistent, repetitive units often made financial sense for efficiency in addition to creating the desired unified design motif.


建筑近景细节 ©Petrini studio
建筑近景细节 ©Petrini studio
建筑近景细节 ©Petrini studio
建筑近景细节 ©Petrini studio

The building is distinguished by the innovative use of waffle slab construction. This feature is used as a cantilever, as a cornice, and to express floor levels. All elevations are comprised of a pre-cast panel wall system; the wall system on the long north and south elevations is separated by fins that run the height of the building for great vertical effect. The building is encircled by three wide steps that serve as a perimeter platform or plinth.


标志性的华夫板结构 ©Petrini studio
标志性的华夫板结构 ©Petrini studio
空间及建筑细节 ©Petrini studio
空间及建筑细节 ©Petrini studio
建筑基座 ©Petrini studio
建筑基座 ©Petrini studio

The main or south elevation is asymmetrically composed with the recessed main entrance set toward the east. The entrance is comprised of a double metal door with fixed single panes sidelights. The south elevation has five projecting bays that read like towers and contribute to the building's monumentality. At the rear is an open courtyard space and connection to the north wing.


东侧主入口 ©Petrini studio
东侧主入口 ©Petrini studio
两个体量之间的空间,设有多层走廊 ©Petrini studio
仰视华夫格板 ©Petrini studio
大楼突出的部分爬满植物 ©Petrini studio

2005年的学生满意度调查显示,穆尔学院是UCSD学生生活满意度最高的学院。学生们反馈说校园“实用”“给人一种归属感”等等。这不仅归功于建筑设计,也与Wimmer & Yamada的景观设计为学院营造的亲切、自然的氛围密切相关。
The 2005 student satisfaction study reported Muir College as having the highest satisfaction with living quarters of the student population at UCSD. Students were quoted as saying that Muir College is "something that works," and it "provides the feeling that you belong…" This was attributed to the physical design of the buildings as much as to the atmosphere of the college. The humanistic experience of the Muir campus also owed greatly to the landscape design by Wimmer & Yamada, which greatly softened the starkness of the concrete and created a sense of enclosure at the human scale.


Student satisfaction with the facilities and programs at Muir College usually ranks highly in the present. Their opinions in the early phase of building, however, were not always so positive. Many students viewed such monolithic structures as counter to Muir's naturalistic ideals. But over time, as the plants mature, an overall appreciation of the campus prevails.


建筑与植物相融 ©Petrini studio
建筑与植物相融 ©Petrini studio
建筑与植物相融 ©Petrini studio
建筑细节 ©Petrini studio
建筑细节 ©Petrini studio

The Muir College architects were all among the top architects and firms practicing in San Diego at the time. Not unlike any profession or architects practicing today, these men were all competitors and had different ideas, styles, and visions for their buildings. Working in collaboration with a team of talented architects, Mosher achieved both the human-scaled environment he envisioned and a unique regional expression of a Modernist campus.


首批建成的7座建筑中,3座的设计出自Dale Naegle,莫舍、Frank L. Hope & Associates、Richard G. Wheeler & Associates各有一座,Eugene Weston III和Frederick Liebhard合作设计一座。
Among the first seven buildings constructed in 1963–1971, three were designed by Dale Naegle. Robert Mosher, Frank L. Hope & Associates, and Richard G. Wheeler & Associates each delivered one building, while Eugene Weston III and Frederick Liebhard completed one in collaboration.


Stay tuned for another article to come including introductions and photos of other historical buildings on John Muir College campus.


建筑与校园环境 ©Petrini studio



[1] https://plandesignbuild.ucsd.edu/_files/plans/MuirHistResInv.pdf

[2] https://modernsandiego.com/article/uc-san-diegos-john-muir-college-and-modernist-architecture

[3] https://pcad.lib.washington.edu/building/21549/

[4] http://modernistarchitecture.blogspot.com/2013/11/muir-college-concrete-jungle-errr-forest.html



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