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发布于:2024-09-24 17:56:28


体育公园整体鸟瞰效果图  ©MVRDV+华艺设计

联合体单位  香港华艺设计顾问(深圳)有限公司+MVRDV B.V.

项目地点  广东深圳

方案状态  中标方案

占地面积  135,197平方米




MVRDV, working alongside Huayi Design, has won the competition to design the Shenzhen Pingshan Sports Park in the east of Shenzhen, which includes an arena for badminton and other sports contests, the new Chinese National Badminton Training Centre, a National Fitness Centre and sports park for public use, and supporting commercial facilities. With a total of 100 badminton courts across all facilities, badminton provided the inspiration for many components of the design, most notably the 240-metre-long roof in the shape of a racket head that serves as the focal point of the complex.


设计方案生成  ©MVRDV+华艺设计

▲ 方案演示视频  ©MVRDV+华艺设计



This main building comprises the arena, warmup courts, and training courts. A public level features wide promenades in between the three facilities, forming a T-shaped public space to serve as the lively heart of the complex. At the junction of these promenades, outside the main arena entrance, is a plaza known as the “sweet spot” – a reference to the area on a badminton racket that produces the best strike – which also lends its name to the design proposal as a whole. Below the public level is a “lower ground” level that connects together the various elements of the National Training Centre and includes spaces for sports science research. This split-level approach offers privacy to the high-level athletes as they move between facilities.


主建筑“球拍”效果图  ©MVRDV+华艺设计


Above all of this is the racket-shaped roof that supports photovoltaic panels to provide a significant proportion of the energy used by the complex. The gridded structure of the roof is reminiscent of the racket’s strings.


主建筑“球拍”鸟瞰效果图  ©MVRDV+华艺设计

MVRDV创始合伙人Jacob van Rijs表示:“基于功能规划来看,坪山体育公园未来将能够容纳各种体育运动,但最重要的是,它会成为羽毛球运动的目的地。在方案设计中,我们正面解决了这一要求,采用了‘甜区’这个直观且有趣的概念,所有人都可以在看到建筑的第一时间体会到这种关联性。同时,团队也非常谨慎地以高效、可持续和宜群的方式解决了这个复杂的项目。我们很高兴能够在这次招标中获胜。”

“Given the programme of the complex, it was clear that the Pingshan Sports Park should be a real celebration of all sports, but more than anything else, it should be a celebration of badminton”, says MVRDV founding partner Jacob van Rijs. “With the design of The Sweet Spot, we tackled that requirement head-on, with a fun and easily readable concept that anyone can appreciate. At the same time, we took great care to resolve this complex project in a way that is efficient, sustainable, and social. We’re thrilled we were able to take the winning shot in this competition!”


主建筑“球拍”立面效果图  ©MVRDV+华艺设计
主建筑“球拍”内部空间效果图  ©MVRDV+华艺设计


Directly south of the main building, the complex features a 23-storey tapering tower inspired by the shape of a shuttlecock, which is split evenly into hotel rooms on the lower levels, and short-stay apartments for athletes on top. This building further plugs into the dual access layers to offer privacy to the athletes. Neighbouring it in the south-east of the site are two commercial buildings which also adopt smaller racket shapes.


塔楼及配套建筑效果图  ©MVRDV+华艺设计


On the west side of the main building, the public upper ground level steps down to form a large tribune overlooking the rest of the sports park, which hosts a plethora of courts for badminton, basketball, and football, offering a significant additional benefit to the surrounding neighbourhood. This part of the site also hosts the National Fitness Centre in a smaller racket-shaped building nestled into the slopes of the site, offering the public more badminton courts as well as tennis courts and a swimming centre.


主建筑“球拍”西侧立面效果图  ©MVRDV+华艺设计


The flyover of the Pingshan Expressway cuts diagonally along the northwest boundary of the site. Although the plot to the North of the viaduct was not part of the competition scope, MVRDV nevertheless included this area as part of their design, extending the park underneath the flyover to connect the sports park with a larger green corridor that cuts through Pingshan. To help connect the two parts of the park, a number of outdoor sports are placed underneath the flyover, with a skate park, mini basketball courts, table tennis tables, a 100-metre running track, and a children’s playground.


体育公园 - 分区与功能示意  ©MVRDV+华艺设计


At this site in Pingshan, The Sweet Spot creates a true sports landscape, enabling participants of all ages and skills to play, train, and watch a wide variety of sports from badminton to basketball. It will be a world-class facility for badminton, enabled by a design that represents the sport, both figuratively and literally.


体育公园整体俯瞰效果图  ©MVRDV+华艺设计


设计图纸 ▽


主建筑“球拍” - 下首层(52米)轴测示意图  ©MVRDV+华艺设计
主建筑“球拍” - 上首层(58米)轴测示意图  ©MVRDV+华艺设计

场地剖面图  ©MVRDV+华艺设计







Jacob van Rijs、史文倩、Tadeu Batista、Luca Xu、张弛、Amanda Galiana Ortega、张翼飞、Ilaria Furbetta、黄偲、罗晓东、Loanna Kleio Vontetsianou、Kiril Emelianov、Cosimo Scotucci




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