设计单位 HENN+C.F. Møller Architects
方案状态 获胜方案
项目地点 德国汉诺威
场地面积 137,000平方米
建筑面积 46,600平方米(一期)
Hanover Medical School (MHH) ranks among the top German medical universities in terms of its research profile. At the same time, it provides comprehensive healthcare services to the people of Hanover and beyond.
HENN海茵建筑和C.F. Møller的竞赛获胜方案,扩建了现有的医学院,旨在打造一个高效、可持续且氛围宜人的园区。这个全新的城市建筑群,将造福于包括患者、医护人员和周边居民在内的所有人。
The design by HENN and C.F. Møller for the extension of the existing clinic establishes a highly efficient, sustainable campus with a pleasant atmosphere – a new urban building block for the benefit of all, including patients, staff, and neighbors.
The MHH campus located in the eastern part of Hanover is connected to the city center through the Eilenriede municipal forest. It forms the centerpiece of a green network that permeates the entire cityscape. The campus extension is situated directly adjacent to the forest. Its green courtyards and roofs will make it an integral part of this network.
The new buildings merge into a coherent whole in three construction phases to form an architec-tural ensemble with a common center referred to as the Clinic Square. Passageways and park-like green spaces open it to the surrounding neighborhoods on all sides.
The central Clinic Square forms the core of the complex. It is designed as a car-free, pedestrian-friendly space, with a shuttle bus service linking it to the existing buildings via the extended access road.
A low pergola referred to as the loop encircles the Clinic Square to connect all buildings and departments. It provides orientation and guidance, protects from the elements, and frames the square as a distinct design feature.
Inside the buildings, outpatient clinics and offices are spatially separated from acute care functions such as emergency rooms, intensive care units, and operating theaters. A shared logistics level interconnects them to ensure smooth workflows.
The buildings’ internal structure and design is informed by research findings. Daylight and access to nature reduce stress, while clear orga-nization facilitates orientation even in complex structures. Natural materials and a comfortable atmosphere contribute to patient recovery while providing a pleasant workplace to employees, including retreat spaces to take a break from the hectic clinical routine. Efficient, generic building structures make it easy to adapt to change and reorganization of the clinic’s future operations.
The design includes a bright recycled aluminum façade towards the urban Clinic Square, while the exterior takes on a natural character with a warm red shade. Alongside the loop, a base consisting of reclaimed bricks connects all buildings.
Besides using recycled materials, desealing previously paved surfaces and promoting biodiversity, the buildings’ compact design and a hybrid-timber structure for the upper floors accommodating the medical care facilities constitute additional important building blocks of the sustainability concept.
The extension of the Hanover Medical School campus combines efficient structures with compassionate patient care and sustainable buil-ding principles, thus consolidating the school’s position as a top-class university medical center with an international profile.
Competition: 2024
Project start: 2025
Completion: 2031 (1st construction phase)
Scope of work: LP1 to LP8 HOAI, object and general planning
Typology: Masterplan, New build
Client: HBG Hochschulmedizin Hannover Baugesellschaft mbH
User: Hanover Medical School
Address: Stadtfelddamm, 30625 Hanover, Germany
Site area: 137,000 m2
Usable area: 46,600 m2 (first construction phase)
Floors: 3 to 6 above ground, 1 to 2 below ground
562 beds, including 120 intensive care
Central emergency room, 24 operating rooms, Intensive care, Clinical outpatient departments, Nursing rooms, Staff facilities, Laboratories, Seminar rooms, Administration, Helipad
Sustainability: Compact floor plans, photovoltaic systems, district heating, heat pump, wood hybrid construction in the care areas, recycled materials (brick, aluminum), design for disassembly, biodiversity through green spaces, green roofs and façade
Project controlling: BOS Projektmanagement GmbH
Architecture: ARGE HENN / C.F. Møller Architects
Competition team:
Partners in charge: Marcus Fißan, Klavs Hyttel
Project director: Tom Banemann
Design Principals: Maibritt Dammann, Martin Henn
Oliver Koch, Valerie Marie Kudera, Asiya Mukhamedzyanova, Armin Nemati, Maj Pallisgaard Bie, Christian Rassmann, Ole Streubel, Marc Teufel, Roberto Vargas
SINAI (Landscape architecture),
Wetzel & von Seht (Structural engineer),
SÜSS Beratende Ingenieure (Building services),
HT Hospitaltechnik (Medizinplanung),
Müller-BBM (Building physics),
IB Schlegel (Engineering structures, traffic systems),
Moniteurs (Signage),
M&P Ingenieurgesellschaft (Ground management)
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