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发布于:2024-09-30 12:00:44



布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第1张图片

Image © Kubicek studio

从工业遗产到经济适用房: 捷克共和国布尔诺 DADA Distrikt 背后的故事
From Industrial Heritage to Affordable Housing: The Story Behind DADA Distrikt in Brno, Czech Republic


为了应对捷克共和国飞涨的房地产价格,建筑公司 KOGAA 改造了一座旧仓库,这是一个经济实惠的多样化住宅开发项目。这个项目通过共享资金和直接销售方式,绕过了开发商,节省了额外的成本,同时也将部分城市工业遗产改造为活跃的城市空间。建筑师采取了降低维护成本的可持续发展措施,进一步体现了经济适用房、遗产修复和可持续城市生活之间的密切联系。

该项目属于城市“开放日”,这是一个对外开放的周末节日,每年举办一次,游客可以进入城市的各个建筑,了解它们的故事。今年,开放日遵循“包容与无障碍”的理念,展示城市建筑的无障碍融合和建筑的社会影响,一共有 58 个地点向游客开放。

In response to the Czech Republic's soaring real estate prices, architecture firm KOGAA has transformed a former storage facility in Brno into DADA Distrikt, an affordable and perse housing development. The project's economic approach, achieved through shared funding and direct sales, bypasses extra costs associated with developers while refurbishing a part of the city’s industrial heritage, transforming it into an active urban district. The project also features sustainability measures aimed at lowering its maintenance costs, further exemplifying the intersection of affordable housing, heritage restoration, and sustainable urban living.
The project is now part of Open House Brno, a free weekend festival held annually that allows visitors to enter and explore various locations across the city and discover their stories and architectural narratives. This year, the festival follows the curatorial concept of “Inclusion and Accessibility”, showcasing barrier-free integration of urban locations and the societal impact of buildings. A total of 58 locations will be available to visitors, exploring a variety of programs and scales demonstrating

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第2张图片

Image © Kubicek studio

这座工业建筑建于 1910 年至 1920 年之间,最初是位于布尔诺 Zbrojovka 工业区 Svitavský 河畔的一家纺织厂。其使用功能经过多次变革,先是改造成一家电机厂,然后在 20 世纪 60 年代至 90 年代期间被改造成一所学校。在过去的 20 年里,仓库经历了搬迁,且年久失修,其所处的位置和布尔诺市不断上涨的生活成本都成为这座建筑得以改造的契机。2019 年,建筑工作室 KOGAA 牵头,与 GreenVille、Acer Woodway、Partero 和 U1 合作,开始了大规模的翻新工作。现在,这个知名的住宅文化区DADA Distrikt,展示了将工业区改造成引人入胜的城市空间的潜力。


The industrial building, built between 1910 and 1920, originally functioned as a textile factory on the Svitavský riverside, in the industrial Zbrojovka area of Brno. It changed function several times, becoming a factory of electrical machines, then transformed into a school between the 1960s and 1990s. For the last 20 years, it fell into a state of disrepair after the warehouse, its last previous function, was relocated. Due to its position and the rising costs of living in the city of Brno, the site was considered a good opportunity for redevelopment. In 2019, an extensive renovation process began, led by the architecture studio KOGAA, in collaboration with GreenVille, Acer Woodway, Partero, and U1. It is now best known as the DADA Distrikt, a residential and cultural area that demonstrates the potential of intertrial areas to be transformed into engaging urban spaces.
The project was made possible through a community funding system. The financial side operated in a similar way to the “baugruppe,” a system in which a group of people join financial resources to build a co-owned structure. The initiators of this reconversion are three friends, who wanted to find alternative ways of increasing the housing stock while respecting the city’s historical and natural context. This is a somewhat new financing system for the Czech Republic, but it is emerging throughout Europe. To help establish this operation system, the city of Brno also contributed with a subsidy to the owners. Through the direct involvement of future users, this strengthens the community which forms around the development and strengthens the qualities of private and private spaces.

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第3张图片

Image © Kubicek studio

DADA Distrikt 最令人印象深刻的是它针对这个国家地产价格问题提出的独特方案,当地市场缺乏经济适用房,因此需要能够提高公共空间质量的替代开发解决方案。通过共同出资和直接销售,KOGAA 实现了相对经济的重建方式,从而避免了开发商的额外投资和房地产机构的多余费用。- KOGAA 联合创始人Alexandra Georgescu

The most impressive thing about DADA Distrikt is its unique proposition to the problem with real estate prices in the country. The local market lacks affordable housing and therefore calls for alternative development solutions that would also be able to strengthen the quality of public spaces. Its relatively economical reconstruction was made possible through shared funding and direct sales, therefore avoiding additional investment returns to developers and fees to real estate agencies. - KOGAA cofounder Alexandra Georgescu

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第4张图片

Image Courtesy of Open House Brno


The intervention set out from the beginning to protect and highlight the existing structure, which would have otherwise been considered for demolition. This included interventions aligned with the original design and the character of the area. The intention is expressed on the façade of the building, as its golden finish references the classic yellow plaster of Brno’s factories. The reflective qualities of the new material also help reduce the heat gain of the exterior walls.

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第5张图片

Image © Darina Cisneros, Qualibau


The project is designed as a shell-and-core, with interventions aimed at revealing and working with the main load-bearing structure. This process helped the architects to understand the existing building better and to allow it to guide the design directions. It not only reduced the intervention costs but also created more coherence between the building’s development phases. Close attention was paid to maintaining and highlighting the qualities and character of the structure. By rehabilitating the existing industrial elements through interior design, the intrinsic value of the development is increased, as these are unique features in the area’s real estate market. Communal spaces also maintain original elements, including the rounded corners of the staircase or the geometry of the facade. The same intention is continued in the exterior landscaping, which incorporates the abandoned elevator car, acting as a sculpture and a reminder of the history of the space.

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第6张图片

Image © Qualibau

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第7张图片

Image © Qualibau

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第8张图片

Image Courtesy of Open House Brno

这栋四层楼高的建筑有10个住宅单元,一层还设有商业和办公开放空间,还有一个密集型绿色屋顶,这里是居民的社区花园。屋顶绿化面积达 330 平方米,这里会定期举办社区活动,包括电影放映、业主会议和瑜伽课程。花坛种植有小型蔬菜和香草。依据 Adapterra Awards的说法,有一名园丁住在这里,对绿色植物进行专业护理。这个花园通过一个径流收集和中水再分配系统供水,中水收集在后花园的一个蓄水池中,然后在处理厂进行净化。这个解决方案则是对建筑区位的呼应与应用,它位于易受洪水侵袭的地区。通过这个系统,水流速度减慢,屋顶成为雨水的过滤器,因为项目的主要关注点之一就是打造一个可持续发展、易于维护、与自然生态系统和谐共处的城市空间。

DADA Distrikt 是一个很好的例子,通过提供经济适用房,改善新社区的城市生活服务质量的同时尊重现有遗产。本案还采用了可持续的做法,如中水系统和社区绿色屋顶,突出了对环境管理的承诺。“布尔诺开放日”将对这一举措展开探讨,它可以作为未来其他项目的典范,展示新的融资系统、周到的设计策略和社区共享未来。

The four-story building now accommodates 10 residential units, in addition to open spaces for commercial and office spaces at the ground level, and a semi-intensive green roof acting as a community garden for the residents. Measuring an area of 330 square meters, the roof also regularly welcomes community events including movie screenings, owner’s meetings, and yoga sessions. The flower beds provide an opportunity for cultivating small vegetables and herbs. According to Adapterra Awards, a gardener also lives in the hours and ensures a professional level of care for the greenery. This garden is supplied via a system of water runoff collections and the redistribution of gray water collected in a retention tank in the back garden and purified in a root treatment plant also on site. The solution is also a response to the building’s location, in close proximity to the river, in an area prone to flooding. Through this system, the flow of water is slowed down and the roof becomes a filter for rainwater, as one of the main concerns of the project was to create a sustainable and easy-to-maintain development that works together with the natural ecosystem.
DADA Distrikt stands as an example of how an approach respectful of the existing heritage can also serve new communities by providing affordable housing and enhancing urban living. The project’s use of sustainable practices, like the greywater system and community green roof, underscores its commitment to environmental stewardship. This initiative, available to be explored at Open House Brno, could serve as a model for future projects, demonstrating new financing systems, thoughtful design, and community involvement

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第9张图片

Image © Qualibau

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第10张图片

Image © Kubicek studio

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第11张图片

Image Courtesy of Open House Brno

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第12张图片

Image Courtesy of Open House Brno

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第13张图片

Image © Qualibau

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第14张图片

Image © Kubicek studio

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第15张图片

Image Courtesy of Open House Brno

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第16张图片

Image Courtesy of Open House Brno

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第17张图片

Image Courtesy of KOGAA

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第18张图片

Image Courtesy of KOGAA

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第19张图片

Image Courtesy of KOGAA

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第20张图片

Image Courtesy of KOGAA

布尔诺 DADA Distrikt旧仓库变实惠住宅,一个应对高房价的趣味 “省钱” 住宅改造计划第21张图片

Image Courtesy of KOGAA



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