近日,SANAA为麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology,以下简称MIT)设计的爱德华与乔伊斯·林德音乐大楼(Edward and Joyce Linde Music Building)宣布正式投用。2月15日,MIT在该建筑中举办了开幕式及庆祝音乐会,后续还将举办一系列对公众开放的音乐节活动。
SANAA has placed a concert hall and rehearsal space into three cuboids for the Edward and Joyce Linde Music Building at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Building opens to the public Saturday with a celebratory concert called “Sonic Jubilance” – the start of a monthslong festival of 80 events across the campus, free and open to the public.
SANAA was recently awarded the 2025 Royal Gold Medal by the Royal Institute of British Architects for creating architecture that balances "functionality with profound elegance" with "a universal language of architecture that resonates with people everywhere".
Aiming to create a specialised hub for the university's various music classes, Tokyo-based SANAA designed a trio of red-brick-clad volumes connected by a shared central lobby.
Located at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) west campus, the three cuboids are different sizes and were designed to fulfil different needs.
The largest cuboid contains a concert hall and recording room, the smallest contains music rehearsal spaces, while the other cuboid houses classrooms and office space. The building's concert hall has a capacity of 390, with seating arranged in a semicircle.
通过与日本永田音响设计公司(Nagata Acoustics)合作,SANAA为室内空间的墙壁设计了曲面吸音板,这些吸音板能交替实现声音的反射与吸收,以达到良好的声学效果。
SANAA collaborated with Japanese firm Nagata Acoustics to design curved wall acoustic panels, which alternate between reflecting and absorbing sounds, for the interior spaces in the MIT music building.
这座音乐大楼毗邻由埃罗·沙里宁(Eero Saarinen)设计的两座建筑:MIT小教堂和克雷斯基礼堂。
The music building is situated next to two MIT buildings designed by Finnish-American architect Eero Saarinen – the MIT Chapel and Kresge Auditorium.
SANAA drew upon the curved shape of Saarinen's auditorium to create arched roofs over the central lobby, which extend to form shelter over three entrances.
"There are many technical specifications we had to consider and acoustic conditions we had to create," said SANAA co-founder Kazuyo Sejima, "but we didn't want this to be a purely technical building; rather, a building where people can enjoy creating and listening to music, enjoy coming together, in a space that was functional but also elegant."
"One thing I love about this project is that each program has its own identity in form," said SANAA co-founder Ryue Nishizawa, "and there are also in-between spaces that can breathe and blend inside and outside spaces, creating a landscape while preserving the singularity of each program."
1. https://www.dezeen.com/2025/02/12/mit-music-building-sanaa-red-brick-cuboids/
2. https://www.cambridgeday.com/2025/02/10/mits-linde-music-building-opens-with-a-festival-through-may-2-thats-free-and-open-to-the-public/
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